
I like how cause she's making a thinking face and sitting on a bench without a man in the shot you instantly jump to "oh, she must be one of those strong independent women I've heard about. Probably drives her own car and everything."

TV ratings are funny though. This is an article about how well Breaking Bad is doing and tons of people are watching it, but when Community is mentioned people will talk about how low it's ratings are and nobody watches it, except almost every Community episode has gotten better ratings than this, Breaking Bad's

What's funny is that, since every album the Av Club reviews gets at least a B-, he's actually saying Animal Collective released the worst album of the year.

What's funny is that, since every album the Av Club reviews gets at least a B-, he's actually saying Animal Collective released the worst album of the year.

I've never seen this before, he's like a parody of a terrible blogger?

I've never seen this before, he's like a parody of a terrible blogger?

Subconsciously, Walt wants to get caught, that's why he kept the book. What's the point of building an empire if no one knows about it? Plus, he's been known for keeping creepy souvenirs of all the terrible shit he's done, like the teddy bear eye, and the books fits in with that.

He's got a point. Louis CK is funny but it is ridiculous how all these 20 somethings are like "he's such a philosopher, he's the only speaking the truth!" when his point of view is basically that of a conservative, slight cranky, middle aged white man. Hell, a good portion of his material is about how he hates young

He's got a point. Louis CK is funny but it is ridiculous how all these 20 somethings are like "he's such a philosopher, he's the only speaking the truth!" when his point of view is basically that of a conservative, slight cranky, middle aged white man. Hell, a good portion of his material is about how he hates young

That flashforward is so obviously a robot Walt being operated by a shrunken mini Walt.

That flashforward is so obviously a robot Walt being operated by a shrunken mini Walt.

Yeah, remember when Rory got erased completely from existence forever? That lasted like 3 episodes.

Yeah, remember when Rory got erased completely from existence forever? That lasted like 3 episodes.

If they announced her just as part of a grand fake out for the episode though, that would be genius. I kind of want her to stay dead now, cause I want that to be what they did.

If they announced her just as part of a grand fake out for the episode though, that would be genius. I kind of want her to stay dead now, cause I want that to be what they did.

Ah, it's my good friend Fixda Fernback. Always nice to hear about your weekend plans Fixda. You are a valued part of this community and everybody absolutely knows who you are.

Ah, it's my good friend Fixda Fernback. Always nice to hear about your weekend plans Fixda. You are a valued part of this community and everybody absolutely knows who you are.

Counterpoint: Robin Williams has been in some of the worst movies of all time, and is vastly overrated as a dramatic actor because of how god awful he is as a comic actor. If he's on screen for 5 seconds and you don't want to rip your teeth out people hail it as a revelation.

Counterpoint: Robin Williams has been in some of the worst movies of all time, and is vastly overrated as a dramatic actor because of how god awful he is as a comic actor. If he's on screen for 5 seconds and you don't want to rip your teeth out people hail it as a revelation.

"Have you got a tv show? I met this bloke, runs a hotel… brothel, LOADS of contacts. Does a nice side-line of punting British tv shows to foreigners… I could get you a good price…"