
This review is the maddest I've seen anyone get over a tv show. Take a chill pill man.

Also Michael C Hall in Dexter. He managed to fool people into thinking that was a good show for a couple of years.

This is the best example of what I was talking about below: someone who wants the actress to be beaten because he thinks the things her character did to her kids the actress actually did to the actors playing her children. This is the kind of John Hinckley esque ravings you'd hear in a mental institution, and you

You realise you are all like those people who attack the actors who play villains on soaps. She's not Betty Draper people, she's just an actress! It's all pretend!

I would watch that Will Ferrel as a radio DJ movie. You should work in Hollywood.

Jesus, Paddy's day week and all the micks come out of the woodwork.

Come on Zach Braff's publicist, don't try and sell that Scrubs wasn't popular because it's too smart. Community's problem isn't even that it's too smart, and it's about a million billion gajillion times smarter than Scrubs ever was.

Is it acceptable to flag ElDan for being a deaf moron?

Jimmy Stewart is so good in this film. At the start you think he's just doing his Jimmy Stewart thing, but as it goes on you realise he's actually a real sleazebag who pretends to be a Jimmy Stewart type guy to help ingratiate himself with people.

Merchant should just cut loose the dead weight and do something on his own.

Sounds like you just hold comedy to a lower standard for some reason. There are plenty of great comedies around, I don't see why it's deluded to give a D to a show that even you admit isn't that funny just because it's a comedy.

That's not bad pervy, but you need to also have Harry's Ghost appear and tell Dexter "she must be attracted to you because she is touching your chest". Without that the audience are gonna be lost.

Wasn't that basically what the original Happy Days jumping the shark was?

I'm having feelings again, like some kind of 14 year old kid! You remember feelings right?

Fuck you coolidge, you logged out bitch.

Yes, the big problem with America is the Saturday Night Live studio audience aren't sophisticated enough. You might think it's the economy or the wars or global warming but it's actually this.

When the Stefon movie comes out everyone will deny ever having liked him.

In other news, at the exact same moment the Av Club completed it's journey from a respectable entertainment news and review site to Reddit, basically. Expect rage comics about av clubbers meeting idiots in the real world who don't understand their Community references shortly.

Arrested Development is exactly the kind of lame pun title someone called Wad VanDerTurf would think is brilliant.

No one's gonna make a movie with that many scenes of people posting on facebook. Your proposed movie has more scenes of people using facebook than the facebook movie.