
Honestly, how would a non condescending relationship between an autistic person and a non autistic person go? There's nothing wrong with being autistic, but it is a disability, and they do need help and support to be able to live their lives properly.

I think Season 4 could have worked. Walton Goggins!

Ha, I like the snotty "terribly sorry for demanding more than cursory attention" next to the "yeah, that was a mistake I made because I was writing this late at night and wasn't paying attention".

Whatever happened to that It's Always Sunny in Space show they were gonna do? WELL?!!?

Also the stereotypes of high school shows: rich kids and poor kids, jocks and nerds, speak to universal themes everyone can relate to. The stereotypes of college: drunk frat guys, strident political types, professors sleeping with students, are incredibly specific. I'm sure people like that exist, but I've never met

Yeah Hollywood, stop condescending to those autistic kids! They're fine, set 'em free, let 'em take care of themselves.

Nah, cause autistic people teaching normals about caring is older than the magic negro films you're citing, that's been going since Rain Man at least. And children improving the lives of adults is the oldest cliche there is.

I dunno, obviously if Juno was an undeniable classic it wouldn't matter who she was, but people don't generally work themselves into such a frothy rage about screenwriters, and everyone else involved with Juno has pretty much escaped an internet stake-burning. The fact that she's a woman, a former stripper, high

What about last year? Ignore the King's Speech and you've got Inception, The Fighter, Winter's Bone, The Social Network, True Grit, Toy Story 3, Black Swan…

It's impossible to overstate how bad the reviews are for this film though. It has a 46% rating currently on rotten tomatoes. When you compare that to other famously bad Oscar winners, Crash has a 76% rating, A Beautiful Mind has a 78%, Forrest Gump has a 71%, Shakespere in Love has a 93%. Hell, the Phantom Menace, one

It's interesting to hear how aware Cody is of the Juno backlash and all the hate that was directed towards her. You'd think someone like that would live in a millionare Oscar winner bubble, but it seemed like she was reading every "that b1tch ruuined movies!!!!1" internet comment.

You're like a guy who goes into a cheese shop and expects applause for saying he likes cheese.

Shit, beaten to the punch by like 12 people. My "is that Larry David?" joke was top notch too. It really made you think.

This is the most convuluted route anyone's ever taken to brag about having sex in college.

I'd love to see Conan write a sitcom about a late night talk show host who gets fired under very public and controversial circumstances and goes all king of comedy and does his own talk show for an imaginary audience. It'd be hilarious, like Lookwell meets his actual life.

There's no law, but if he's writing, directing, producing, editing and starring in 13 episodes of his own show and writing and touring a new hour of stand up AND writing and producing this show AND continuing his unhealthy diet and lack of exercise, he will almost certainly die this year.

I don't know what any of those acronyms mean.

@avclub-19db33a7920e55ba3a32ab69d87f65b8:disqus He's not even a gay rights activist, let alone an activist for any other cause. It was funny when he got that thing about Santorum really high on google and I guess now he has an MTV reality show, but the only campaigning he's ever done is his life-long campaign to get

I'd love to see America make some kind of special law where gay people get all their rights, except for Dan Savage, who gets no rights. There are millions of gay people, who let this fucking nobody agony aunt columnist declare himself president?

To be fair though, anyone who thinks suicidal depression can be cured by seeing Christina Agulera tell you "it gets better" has a pretty glib understanding of suicidal depression.