
Man, if only humblebrag wasn't just for twitter. You'd be a champion.

Oh, I'm sorry. Tell me about the burdens of being a middle class, educated (I'm gonna guess) Asian. Is your life a constant struggle for freedom?

You're right, all comedy should feature only good role models.

I'd love to follow around all the middle class white people who make comments like this one and everytime anything bad happens to them yell "NOBODY CARES! DON'T YOU KNOW THERE'S A WAR ON!"

I remember when his Terminator mess came out, he tried to claim that McG was a nickname his parents gave him when he was young, and if you don't like it it's cause you're a mean cynic and he's a child at heart. I think that was the most ballsy publicist lie I ever read. "What grown man wouldn't still call himself by

You probably shouldn't base your faith entirely on a show that has no hope of winning a laughably meaningless award.

They had that Asian guy whose job it was to eat gross food for their amusement.

Yeah, Tree of Life seems like a movie that would have a huge appeal with young hispanic women. Oh wait no, it's the oldest, whitest guy movie ever made.

It's also weird to blame the Sopranos for this, since a lot of it's episodes stand alone: everyone remembers the episode where Chris and Paulie get stuck in Pine Barrens or Tony takes Meadow to college, and the structure of the seasons was often loose.

Anyone who signs up for the av club's gay little notification system deserves all the abuse they get. I hereby notify you all that you suck.

That's like saying someone's trying to make The Monkees jealous by only mentioning The Beatles.

If Musty Santorum isn't already the name of a sex act, it should be.

I wouldn't include Hartley in this conversation since his characters are mostly working class.

The only thing that could cause Denzel distress is another Denzel.

It wasn't even about registration or anything, it was just there were less people on the site back then, and it was more of a weird little community. It's now more like any other popular internet forum, if a Zmf sprung up these days he'd be lost in a sea of people rushing to all say the same thing.

The meanness was part of the fun. New fish are too dumb to be mean.

The best part of this article is the diss towards all the newer commenters. Paraphrasing: "Phel and Prison Wine met in the good old days, before the site became an intolerable wasteland of Dawes and begging for likes and forced Community references that no one could ever ever find love in."

Catgun's post was pretty tame by the standards of celebrity related anger on this website. I'd be more concerned with you Osis, putting that much effort into trying to hurt the feelings of a stranger.

You know what your mistake was, Dimitri? You posted a link to the thing you were talking about. Instantly makes you look like you're shilling. If you'd just said Elaine Carroll and acted like everyone should know who she is they'd all have watched the video and then been all "well of course we're all aware of those

"Announcing that the Cranberries were going to be on the show, he
excitedly listed all the songs they’ve done, then sang small segments of
each of them. It was a good three or four minutes before he moved on…"