
Eh, dog, I'm sure this movie is shit, and they are hot white people, but it's about somebody who gets in a car crash and loses their memory. That's not the trivial problem you seem to think it is. Your post makes it seem like you'd see a murder on the news and go "oh, some hot white lady got murdered, big deal! Like

Boy, I wish somebody would make a good movie and put Rachel McAdams in it.

Come on, you can't make fun of someone else for being lame and admit you watch How I Met Your Mother in the same sentence.

Thank you for your application, Mr. Narrator, but we are not currently hiring any additional writers for the newswire at this time. We wish you the best of luck with all future endeavours.

Or get rid of the performances of the nominated songs, cut 20 minutes of host blather, and cut the lame clips where we see what the academy's idea of great acting is (yelling and crying, always).

Observe and Report is to Paul Blart as Deliverance is to City Slickers.

Yeah, Tritter was terrible, but it was only something like 5 episodes out of a 22 episode season. When you count episodes rather than years, House gave us a lot more good television than some of the more dubious "quality" cable dramas(looking at you Dexter. You're on notice Sons of Anarchy).

You guys know variations of everything you've described have already happened on the show? I can't tell if that's the joke or you're just imagining the silliest things the show could possibly do and it's already done them all.

It's sad when shows run too long and they make people forget that they were ever good. First three seasons of House were awesome, it should be remembered for that, not the brutal decline.

I'm only picking on Nabin cause if you say anything negative on Sean O'Neal's posts everyone starts screaming at you.

Boo to this. Saying you think Dylan wrote good songs but you'll only listen to covers is like saying you won't watch foreign films but you'll wait for the American remakes instead.

Jesus, you really had to dig through the archives to find a film that will let you complain about the things you love to complain about this time. Is there a forgotten tv play from 1956 that has a manic pixie dream girl in it we can read about tomorrow?

Yeah, you think you know everything huh? I bet you don't even know what the Sistine Chapel smells like!

I think everyone considers their corner of the internet the place to go to get away from the cretins in the rest of the internet.

It's pretty much the same mix you find in here. One part interesting stuff to 2 parts circle jerk. And replace Community with atheism and Sean O'Neal with a penguin.

Wye Oak aren't so much indie sacred cows as friends of the people who run this website. Out in the bad old world nobody's heard of them.

After Warrior got an A I'm trusting the ads more than the avclub reviewers.

If only there were some broad category we could put all these Dustin Hoffman Leonard Cohen looking people into.

It does seem like someone should have caught this mistake during production. "Wait a minute, this is no woman at all! Merely a womanly man."

Sharks are endagered. Other humans are asking us to have some mercy and not keep hunting them out of existence. So yeah, we own sharks.