
I always confuse Michael Ian Black and Michael Showalter with Michael Swaim and that other guy at Cracked(also Michael?). Which says a lot about how incredibly not famous they are.

Shit, that was real? I thought I dreamt it.

I think bushwickonhipster's point was that he has never made any mistakes, because he has never lived his life at all, and thus can feel superior to people and their stupid mistakes from the comfort of his own one room apartment.

Haha, such a long review for a show that sucks so much.

Ugh, I can't believe I have to explain this to you. You included female in your list of complaints against them: they were grating, incomprehensible, and female. It was totally uneccessary to include this, and by doing so it made your prejudices apparent. To show you this, I showed what it would look like if you

Right, cause everyone knows that prejudice against women is fine.

Louis CK all the way.

"I find it amazing that there are people in this world who are
entertained by two grating black voices"

Saying "I thought our story was epic" is the best excuse I've ever heard for being a total dick to someone in a relationship. Cads the world over should have been taking notes.

Yeah, what was the defense's explanation for how Keith got burned half to death? Playing with matches in the middle of the woods?

Any film that gained it's popularity over time through word of mouth should count as a cult movie. Shawshank Redemption is a cult movie.

I hate it when you say something self deprecating or absurd as a joke, and someone thinks you were being serious and repeats it back to you as an insult. I feel like that's what's happened to Narrator Returns here.

I think your standards for mediocre are too low.

If you're looking for God, he was in transport minister office number 2 on November 17 and he doesn't like being second guessed. You ask me if I have a God complex. I am God.

Blood on the Tracks is in every way superior to Dylan's first album, which wasn't even good. I sort of agree with you idiotking, but you're pushing it way too far there.

Days of Wine and Roses people! If you're gonna make smug comparisons at least know your film history. Sheesh.

Y'know, you guys get all offended when conservative types say that you hate America, but you clearly do hate America.

Statistical chances of Renaton being involved in a kidnapping as he typed that comment: 96%

I got the impression you had made an indie film about first love that hadn't gotten into Sundance.

Really? This is what you're choosing to get outraged over?