
Baldwin expected politics to be as easy as dating is for him. Now he's all "I have to take her to the theatre? That's so much work! Can't all the voters just come round to my apartment at 2 in the morning?"

Oh yeah, absolutely, I just meant that best cinematography should be the award for the best looking film. Roger Deakins has yet to win a cinematography Oscar, all the proof you need that they don't know their ass from a hole in the ground.

The best director Oscar isn't awarded for "visually interesting", that's best cinematography.

Correct! I'll take "People you will never have sex with" for 400 Alex.

1941, Hook, Always, The Color Purple, Jurassic Park 2, Amistad, The Terminal, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, that's a fair amount of crap.

I mean is it possible to get Pegg without Frost all the time.

Is it possible to get Pegg without Frost? I've never seen someone with such a death grip on another man's coattails.

Huh? Having a sleeper terrorist congressman is the convoluted B movie plan. Getting your terrorist as close to as many important people as you can and then blowing them up is what terrorists groups do, it's what they're all about.

Does nobody else find the exaggerrated evilness of the VP a bit much, especially when every other character has all these layers? He's standing there in the panic room with somebody else's blood on him, and he doesn't give a shit. He doesn't even wash it off.

Except the Shield and Breaking Bad never had the characters wriggle out of their situation by convincing the leader of Al Qaeda that yes, working from within the US political system is the best way to achieve change, rather than blowing people up. That's just ridiculous.

Ha, that's almost as good as the time my high school teacher wanted to get some soup from the local soup place, but the soup guy was all "No soup for you!" What fun real life anecdotes we have!

Yes. Has there ever been a great show that is so close to being a bad show?

Jimmy Kimmel got his show in 2003. Sarah Silverman had her moment of being hot in Hollywood in 2005(and it stretched till around 2007, when she had her show). All female comedians are not linked in some kind of weird Hollywood conspiracy.

Also, we're supposed to believe that he did the right thing by selling it to Logan to destroy for less money than he'd have gotten by selling it to the press. Except giving it to Logan means a murderer walks free and giving it to the press almost guarantees he'll be convicted.

Yeah, the "guilty until proven innocent" aspect of that whole plot drove me crazy. The old hispanic lady had one tiny kernel of doubt that the people weren't innocent, and that was enough for her to decide they should go to jail? What kind of shit is that?

I feel confident that Louis CK would agree with me 100% that calling a stand up you really like a philosopher is a lame pretentious cliche. I've never heard a comedian not find that shit annoying, especially as it implies there's something wrong with being a comedian, and so any comedian who's not a hack has to be

Eh, I don't actually think it should be illegal to call a comedian a philosopher. I wasn't making a serious suggestion to change the laws and throw that commenter in jail. What are you, an idiot?

Referring to stand-ups as philosophers or prophets should be illegal.

Oh fuck off. How hard did you have to comb that interview to find the one tiny thing you could jump all over her for?

Is that Dennis Farina? Jesus he's fallen far.