
If you guys are going to review fucking Scrubs, you need to stop calling this section Tv Club Classic.

Mambo, are you actually upset that Pickleshitter defended his point after you said it was stupid? If you're gonna think everyone who corrects you when you say something dumb is oversensitive you'll find the world is full of oversensitive people.

They don't have as good a target now as they had in Bush though. And as bad as the political dialogue seems in America at the moment, it's nothing compared to the Bush years.

Archmage, you realise the media didn't actually invent the "us vs them" dynamic that is inherent in politics and human nature right?

Drama nerds have sex, just not very well.

There certainly are plenty of more infuriating reviews of more popular texts out there, and while I don't like those either (I especially hate it when you get the sense that a critic is trying to make a name for themselves by attacking a member of the canon) but at least those guys know a lot about the writer. This

Toughened us up. Kids today expect tits to be served up to them on a platter. We knew that if you wanted to see naked women, you had to put in the effort.

Whoa there Normy, save those pipes for karaoke!

I'd say maybe 10% of the people who read that Cheers article they did a couple of days ago had watched it when it was still on air (statistics sourced from 2010 av club readership study at the University of My Ass). It's one of the few older tv shows that completely holds up.

Reactionary trolling would be the review. And don't kid yourself, if this was a movie review there'd an uprising. The only reason they can get away with this shit is no one cares about the books section, so they give it to the intern to hack out.

Clint Eastwood's a conservative, so he's unlikely to share your weird college anarchist society "prison state" take on Hoover anyway. Comes across like you're blaming the restrictions of biopics for the fact your political views are unpopular.

I think Meadow had to go into such deep denial to avoid dealing with the likelihood that Tony had her boyfriend killed that she wouldn't even consider what Tony's reaction as a mafia boss would be to things she told him, as going down that road would lead to her thinking about what kind of person Tony is, something

Oh good, internet superstar Gherkins the Manservant is here to clear his name. That's good, because you are a famous person who I certainly have heard of and care about. You should always give a fucking press conference every time someone impersonates you, as you can't have the good name of Gherkins the Manservant

You should cherry pick a bunch of lines in Kafka on the Shore where the protagonist talks about washing his balls and make it sound like it's 600 pages of ball washing too, and that would be about as fair as picking out those lines.

That has to be the dead giveaway that a reviewer didn't read the whole book, when their first complaint is about how long it is. Only thing more obvious is complaining about how turgid and difficult to get through it is.

I feel like they should have gotten someone who's at least familiar with Murakami to write this review. Get the impression this Christian fella has only read Hard Boiled Wonderland and barely knows who Murakami is. A D review of something from such a beloved author should have to justify it's negativity more (is the

Climbing Everest now isn't the same as being the first man to climb Everest, or curing cancer, but I'm sure when you reach the highest spot in the world you feel a much more transcendent emotion than you do when you finish your collection of newspaper comics, and only an asshole would say they're the same.

Who died and made you the official spokesman for the rest of the world?

Dawes is the canceraids of this site. Both in that it's a shitty meme perpetuated by idiots who have to post even when they have nothing to say, like canceraids was, and in that it destroys the site from the inside the way one would imagine a combination of cancer and aids would destroy the body.

They should always suggest we read that interview with Michael Chabon, like old times.