
It's funny when people think that wrestling has declined and it's the fault of wrestling, not them no longer being 12.

I love the way everyone on the Av Club talks about the Team Coco thing like it was this weird event they witnessed but weren't apart of. I seem to remember this site being ground zero for all the wailing and gnashing of teeth.

The Chris Rock episode in a nutshell.

It's definitely the Klan. Lotus Clan would be the most obscure reference that has ever been made in a TV show, and they already established with the "make Quake look like Asteroids" line back in season 1 that Veronica Mars writers don't know that much about videogames.

Worst part of the finale was Veronica suddenly picking up the idiot ball and going "hmm, I should text Mac and tell her Beaver is a murderer, texting seems like the most likely way for him to find out and put her in danger", and then "oh, Mac texted me saying to meet on the roof? Nothing suspicious about that." She's

The Wire also had great characters and dramatic plotlines. It's the stupid idea that knowing a lot about your setting is the only important thing for making a good show that lead to Treme not being good in the first place.

After Treme, I doubt HBO are even gonna let him back in the building. They only put the show on in the first place cause they couldn't say no to him after The Wire. Treme is his Howard the Duck.

"Do you people actually watch this show?"

Dennis and Sam comparing ladies man techniques would be awesome too.

I'm fairly certain the character of Hellboy(at least the movie version of him) is based pretty heavily on Sam Malone.

One day NBC are gonna fuck up and air an old episode of the Honeymooners in place of Community, and Todd will give it an A and call it a brilliant deconstruction of traditional sitcom tropes.

It's okay, everyone on this site is so smart. We watch Breaking Bad and stuff.

They call Brian Wilson a genius because if they didn't call him a genius they'd be forced to say horrible things about him.

What's the argument for Meadow being the most evil character on the show? I'd genuinely love to hear it, cause it just sounds crazy to me, being that she's one of maybe 5 characters who never murders anyone.

It's basically a shapeless burlap sack of a dress. But if saggy orange sacks are your thing then it's sexy as hell.

That joke is very similar to the joke made in the article.

I know a lot of people here pride themselves on having different tastes and holding against the grain opinions, and that's fine. But when you start saying Bad Taste and Meet the Fucking Feebles are better than Lord of the Rings, it's time to take a step back before you cross the line from individual to crazy person.

Lord knows you'll get a ton of shit going in the endo of queers.

Having the Joker kill Batman's parents makes Joker too important. The Joker needs Batman but Batman doesn't need the Joker. It turns the story from being about a kid whose parents are killed by some guy and grows up to make sure that doesn't happen again to the story of a kid whose parents get killed by a nascent

The thinking man's Gallagher.