
That would explain why all the references are so old. Nobody's talked about that clinging to guns and religion thing for years.

I don't think Walt was trying to kill Gus because he was jealous. Gus had tried to kill him once, slit a guy's throat to send him a message, launched an elaborate scheme to turn his partner against him, and taken him out into the desert and threatened to kill him and his entire family.

If you think Cartel members ever look at explosions then you don't know shit about the daily realities of Northern Mexico.

It's fine to like Goats Head Soup, but don't pretend you're in the majority.

Writing from the future, I think we can all see this thread as a great example of how people who believe they are right no matter what and dismiss anyone who disagrees with them as idiots are always right, and when they state their opinions like facts we should believe them to be facts. Walt poisoning the kid?

Walt has outwitted Gus every step of the way. First he convinced him to let him cook meth for him (with a little help from Gale "Talk his way into a bullet to the face" Boetticher), then he kills two of his henchman. When Gus tries to kill him and replace him with Gale Walt offs Gale. Then for all of this season the

I think they were meant to be the Jewish mafia. Hellboy's character mentions that he's Jewish, I think. And Albert Brooks is obviously Jewish. So you could make the assumption that the guy whose head is stomped is Jewish too.

There's a version where the cover is a black and white photograph of a train, so adults can read it in public without being embarrassed.

Yes. Or Christopher Eccleston.

I guess it's true, the spammy wheel gets the grease.

The Candidate is a sad movie to watch now because these days a politician who sold out only as little as Redford's character did would be a dream.

Wait, you're saying the song Money, Cash, Hoes was about money? You're blowing you mind, you cynical truth teller you.

Dogville is a masterpiece and I also liked the one about the haunted hospital. Asshole or no, we need filmmakers like Von Trier who are willing to go all out nuts on every film. Anyone who takes risks like he does is to admired, even if half the time it ends up being shit.

Yeah, one country threatens to arrest him and put him in jail for an interview, and he's all "I won't do any more interviews". What a baby! Just go to jail like a man!

I always thought it was weird how Tony says that "never had the makings of a varsity athlete" thing in the first episode, even though it wasn't really relevant to anything. D'you think that was all foreshadowing for 4 years later when they'd use it?

It's a weird world where I'm rooting for the heartless suits to cancel my favourite tv show, but for godssake, just remove the breathing tube already.

I think they're way worse than Tony Soprano. At least Tony was an alright Dad.

Kristen Stewart wishes she could restrain herself to only biting her lip once during a scene.

Yeah, I don't think Rabin's original Manic Pixie Dream Girl piece was about how "bitches in movies be talking too much!" Way to miss the point, moviefone guy.

Smallville's combination of terrible acting and cheesy sexiness always made it seem like a high budget Superman porno that just never got to the good part.