
Since you want humanity to die, shouldn't you be happy about the hundreds and thousands of starving people?

House did swap out the supporting cast constantly. They even did a whole half a season where he had 20 new assistants and one left every day. It was right about the time the show started going downhill.

It takes about 6 episodes for 30 Rock to get good, half the season is way overstating it. Arrested Development took a few episodes to get good too.

Hank Williams Jr being the son of Hank Williams is like Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu giving birth to Hitler.

Calling it now: Saul poisoned the kid. He's got his own end game, don't know what it is or how it makes sense, but it'd be awesome.

That guy writing that article thinks a slasher movie is one of the worst date movies, when slasher movies were designed specifically to be date movies. the guy writing that article is a moron.

The Star Trek sequel debacle is a text book example of why Hollywood tends not to let directors with any "vision" or "artistic integrity" direct big films. You don't get any of this time wasting bullshit with Michael Bay. Does Abrams think he's the only one who can get them that JJ Abrams feeling? We got ten kids

If you're gonna blame 24 for causing torture then you have to also blame videogames for causing violence and Marilyn Manson for causing Columbine and all kinds of silly stuff. Anyone who thinks torture's okay because they saw it on fucking 24 probably didn't need that much convincing in the first place.

In Prisoners of War, did they turn out to be terrorists?

It's worse than you think, the song of his he's singing along to? Dear Mama.

All comedians are also great at playing either sad-sacks or psychopaths. No exceptions. If you can think of an exception, it's just cause they haven't done it yet.

I think I'm that one guy. It was pretty good, but not a cure for cancer or anything. I agree it could have used more driving and less head stomping. The violence was shocking when it started but by the time Albert Brooks is stabbing dudes in the eye with butcher knives it had gotten silly.

Someone should take the manly profession team name to it's logical end and call their team the Football Players. Would work great for a baseball team.

O'Neal gets the late night phone call.

I agree, though I'd go further and say they should have Brody just suddenly do some terrorism in the third or fourth episode. It's an incredibly limiting premise for a tv show unless they're willing to mix things up.

I want Mark Zuckerberg to steal his website idea.

He was a bit too nice on WTF, I thought. He seemed like that kind of good looking popular guy who gets everything handed to him and doesn't even have the decency to be an asshole so you can hate him properly.

There's a lot of talented writers there too, I just don't think they're allowed write anything good. Does Lorne Michaels still make the final decisions about what sketches go on, or can the blame be put solely on Seth Myers?

If they'd had the balls to do a Jerry Springer style "who's the daddy" paternity test sketch while she was hosting the episode would've been a classic.

Full disclosure, I've never watched Nick At Nite. I just assumed it showed old Kenan and Kel and Sister Sister episodes at midnight for awful nostalgic losers.