
Weird Al: music for people who are afraid of music. He's everything wrong with a whole generation of Nick At Nite watching, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle t-shirt wearing, permanent 8 year olds.

That's a shame, she said such nice things about you.

This film is a tragedy. You Can Count on Me was so good, and Lonergan was all set up to have a great career, he could have easily turned into one of the best directors working, and instead he fucked it all up. If the movie turned out to be a lost masterpiece he could have salvaged his career, but it seems like it's

I wanna see the sequel that goes into how he makes those veto decisions. Does he let her date Johnny Football Hero even though his handsomeness increases the likelihood of them having premarital sex, or does he protect her virtue by only letting her go out with gross nerds?

Nolan's just gonna re-release the Prestige, cut in a Rod Serling impersonator at the start and call it The Twilight Zone movie.

He was supposed to do a Prisoner movie at one point. That would have been cool.

Episodes that were like that, from just the first season:

This is probably gonna sound like a troll post, but Tree of Life is a deeply stupid movie, and anyone who thinks it's meaningful is either buying into the hype and suppressing their real feelings or just very simple minded.

I'm cracking up pictured John Cusack in Drive. "I'm, eh, well I'm gonna smash your face in with this hammer here, but first I'll have to stammer a lot, and, eh, do a lot of twitchy stuff and talk non stop."

Ah, the red hot love between Peter Falk and that small boy.

She sure did hang out the washing a lot in that film. If there's one thing that represents grace and beauty in the world, it's people hanging out the washing and sitting in the grass.

Don't forget Timothy Olyphant. Nothing like bringing in a big guest star and then forgetting about him completely.

Cheers kept the character dynamics consistent the whole way through though. The Office is now almost an entirely different show than it was when it was good.

I find it odd that in dramas characters become more nuanced as the show goes on, but with sitcoms they become broader.

I guess in the end, we all need to whatever the theme of the episode was.

Scrubs was funny for about the first 6 episodes, and then it just repeated the same shit over and over. Liked the janitor being mean to JD? Prepare to see it 80 more times. Liked Dr. Cox going on an angry rant? Prepare to see the same rant several times an episode. Like the horrible anti-charisma of chinless rube Zach

Yeah, the Office isn't as good as it used to be, but you lose all credibility when you start saying positive things about Scrubs.

The difference between Wilco and Radiohead is you can take this article about the greatness of both bands and their importance as standard bearers for popular and respected rock bands and remove Wilco and still makes sense, but remove Radiohead and it's laughably ridiculous.

But do they have the 5 albums in a row necessary to be considered a great band or some such horseshit?

I think this movie was made by her own production company, and she was extensively involved in the script, development and casting of it. So there's no "they" here, she's no one to blame but herself.