Larry Kink

Is this somehow related to the 24 movie? Jack Bauer:Giant Killer

Gadhafi is going to need work soon. Maybe he and Mubarak can team up for the "Bourne Former Dictatum" that or "Grumpy Old Dictators: 3D"

I was watching something the other night and an ad came on for the fat wedding show (from the producers of Biggest Loser no less), followed by an ad for too fat for 15. I was then struck with a can't miss show….

Shouldn't comic book or graphic novel fit in there somewhere as well?

Ah, Le Massacare du Chainsaw

William Shatner and Sarah Silverman

Yeah but…
Can they post convert the suck out of it?

As long as it's 3D.

Franco and Franco dual role.

sorry for the extra good stuff there… still waiting on the morning brain chemistry to properly adjust.

Steadman's book, The Joke's Over: Bruised Memories: Gonzo, Hunter S. Thompson, and Me… Gives Steadman's take on some of their "assignments" good stuff. His story on the Kentucky Derby, getting maced by thompson and their overall relationship is good stuff.

In keeping with the franconessification of this site…

Yes, because in general most "Evil Doers" are actually very good, responsible baby sitters. (Haven't you seen Dispicable Me?)

Monkey Rape!
Carcinogenic Monkey Cancer!
Atomic Bomb carrying Monkeys!

Add a monkey to almost anything and it makes it funny…

you forgot

Les triplettes de Belleville

omelet du fromage

International Box Office CC, them foriegn folk seem to enjow spending thier meager wages watching 3-D crap from the US

The (no doubt) upcoming film version
So when some studio announces they're making a movie, based on the video game based on the tv show based on the comic book, does the reality fold in on itself and vanish in a puff of dispair?