Larry Kink

Great, now I have to deal with the mental image of a zombie penis, a human head and how said zombie goes after said brains.

As yet another douchebag, may I offer you a little vinegar and water?

I think there might be something to the whole infinite number of monkeys/typewriters thing. The studios have tapped into that demension and as the incoherent scripts come churning out of the monkey demension, some exec just says "Wow, this would be great if we just replace that Hamlet guy with Big Momma and his son!"

World War II:2

ya know, with all the mash up/team up news, it might be kinda cool to see Barry Bonds turn up in Victorian Londaon in full uni, with a big bat and 'roid rage.

Hound of the Backneville

Nerd Alert
Looks like Spidey has webshooters on the costume, not coming out his body like the previous films.

avclub poster + girlfriend + sex = BULLSHIT
unless girlfriend = porn & sex = yankin it

Focus Group Comment
Can you replace Spidey with the Human Torch and then do the same dangerous and failing stunts while on fire? Cause, that would be cool!

If we slow roasted you like a brisket, you could be sliced thinly and made into a sandwiches for all the other posters.

Seems to me
A live action treatment of South Park's Super Best Friends should be picking up interest about now.

The scary thing about Charlie McCarty and Mortimer Snerd and Edgar Bergan's act was that it was a huge hit in the first place.

How does Teddy fight crimes when he's the one committing them? Does it turn out he's been hunting himself all along?

Nixon vs Everyone (because it's true!)

I'm still holding out for the talk show/musical mash-up

Dial "M" for Muppets

How'd they get the horse in the tree? Would've been alot easier to just use the stable like the rest of the horsefuckers!

What about Land Crab?

don't you mean "in front of"?

I would TOTALLY see all of these films!
(as long as there's tits!)