Larry Kink

Hey Tim, just so you know, the "fake" radio host is actually real. Those cuts are right off the Murph and Mac morning show on KNBR, the Giants flagship station.


Anyone want to burn one before the discussions get going?

Larry the Cable Guy
If he ain't hostin' then I ain't watchin'

ok, here goes….

Funny Farm? "Call me Mr. Lamb Fries! "

When I was a kid in Brooklyn, we couldn't afford muscular dystrophy. We had to get bone or gristle dystrophy!

Fuckin' Mutants

YES!!! Eddie Izzard as James Mason as the AFLAC Duck. Brilliant!

Simple Really
This yet to open movie is for the Junior Prom and the sequel will be the Senior Prom.

I can't believe that this so-called Charlie Daniels fan has never seen his legendary "Fiddlin' in the Dark" when Charlie picks young Cher out of the audience and dances with her on stage. Daniels can fiddle and dance at the same time remakably well for a fat guy.

Fudruckers is still there (as of a few years ago) I spent 2 weeks in Billings and anytime I would chat with the natives, I always got a "You couldn't handle the winter here!" to which I alway replied, "I'm not crazy about your summer" it was in the mid 90's with Thunderstorms and hail…screw that.

Had to cut back on babies (too high in cholesterol) but we'll probably toss one on the grill for easter. They really do taste of chicken!

I got a rock

That would be the small town of Calee-fornia.

So for the Broadway Musical, is it
Rising Apes: Turn off the Planet or
Planet: Turn Off the Apes (before they rise)

True History? Count me in!
As long as the Evil Shaman is actually Hitler and the president is Pancho Villa.

I recall seeing a comment from a critic that said the ending to A.I is the perfect blend of Spielberg and Kubrick… The little lost boy finally makes it home, and the entire human race is dead!

I stumbled upon Palin's show one evening when she was visiting one of Todd's cousins, who also happened to have a "special" child. Palin went out of her way to point out that these were her husband's relatives to not so subtlety imply that the retard gene is not from her side of the family.