Imminent Death Syndrome

Why is this show so stupid?
Why is everything that happens so cursory?
What are we supposed to be caring about here? Also, why?

I think that would actually be the most awkward thing in the world. As such, that sounds amazing. They could (nay, SHOULD, just in general) bring back Slymenstra and have her blow fire and whatever other girlie freakshow stuff she wants and have Gor-Gor come out and make it the best GWAR show ever. And they should

Agreed. The Andre stuff used to be funny; now it's either super predictable, flat-out sad or both. Yay?

If it means that I can assemble a kick-ass bone gun out of my lunch, then yes I'm in. If it means literally anything else even remotely Cronenbergian, then hell no I'm all the way out.

That's what I thought too. My boyfriend thought it meant everything. So who knows? For the sake of it being really bittersweet, I'm going to go with everything resetting.

Agreed. "'An A roast' if not A television" is a pretty spot-on assessment.

And for a change, people actually knew each other. I thought it was great. Incidentally the only set I didn't like very much was Andy Samberg's. He tried much to hard to be Norm MacDonald at the Saget roast, but he's not nearly as funny or random.

I've been going with that idea since "Simon and Marcy" aired. That sentient pink goo was totally pre-Ooh PB

Because he's a terrifically self-involved asshole, that's why. He also didn't know who Combo was, despite being directly responsible for his murder.

I thought it would've been pretty great if, when Walt finally opened the suspenseful, suspenseful door, Jesse had jumped out and punched him in the dick.

It's insane, this guy's taint!

Yeah, pocket puppies rule! Now with (IN) cheese!!

Agreed! This was as close to really "classic" Futurama as they've come this season (unless I'm forgetting something, which is possible, since I'm quite tired). But it had heart, it had jokes, it was pretty great.

And the shots of the pool were amazing! One of my favorite cold opens ever.

I don't think that was a panic attack. I think it was a violent, visceral reaction to his world being fucking SHATTERED by his brother-in-law. That realization is what messed him up (it's not the same as the fear, etc. that followed Tuco's death and his time in El Paso—there are so many more terrible layers to this,

I was hoping to see them test Walt's improvised torch from when Mike had him hand-cuffed (zip-tied) to the radiator. That and the RV battery would have been cool. But it's Mythbusters, so they'll pick explosions over anything else. Especially explosions with a chance of robot.

Oh you know what? I've mellowed and I've decided to cut her some slack (NOT about Walt being an ok guy and Morocco and all that bullshit). Maybe she's just suffering from acute, rabid Over-Enthusiamitis. You know, where you can't shut up about how much you love something and all of your dumbass theories about it,

Hahaha I thought the same thing. This show's getting so dirty.

I know! I thought it was crazy that she actually wanted him to get away with everything (and go live in Monaco…WITH HIS FAMILY?!), when even Vince Gilligan's admits there's nothing good in him anymore.

I didn't care for this. Unlike Talking Dead, it added nothing to my enjoyment of the show (and I wanted Julie Bowen to shut up and let other people finish talking). Talking Dead, on the other hand, actually makes me hate the Walking Dead less, because seeing people actually enjoy it seems to soothe me. Plus I like