Imminent Death Syndrome

Thanks for saying what I was feeling about this article, in a MUCH more mature and rational (and eloquent!) way than I could.

Those shots of the (White's) empty pool that opened the episode were fantastic—really beautiful and kind of confusing and a great way to kick off the very last of the FUCKING GREATEST SHOW!

Yeah, but there's never enough of Pops or Skips. Because that's not a thing.

I agree (both).

I love this review. Rarely does another person perfectly articulate my precise feelings about something I feel so mixed yet apathetic about—in this case, a show I love watching but don't care about at all.

I agree with you about the line b/w funny & just plain evil; however, it's (hypothetical) arson-for-glory, with the fires being put out (as is the whole point). I still don't know how to articulate my feelings about the last part, but to clarify: I didn't mean that Bender should have been setting fires on purpose, for

I'm only now able to admit this out "loud," but I'm really disappointed with how this season's episodes consistently start strong and then fizzle out completely in act 3. It just strikes me as really lazy writing, as if they used up all of the good, creative jokes at the beginning (of literally every episode so far)

I feel like this show is the best thing I've ever seen. I can't wait until the second season—guess I'll just have to rewatch it constantly until then.

Agreed 100%. I was convinced this would be a lame retread of my favorite of Harris's books (and my fav of the movie, too). Then I watched it and was hooked. It's so beautiful and sensitive and poetic and horrifying and grotesque and I can't get enough of it.

You know what I'm pretty into? All those Jake nightlights floating around Ooh. And in different poses no less. 

I actually thought this was a fairly strong theme, now that I know what it is. Works better for me than the other Graybles' "themes" did—plus this episode didn't ever bore me (I generally don't like Graybles eps as much as others).

I feel like the 'theme' was "is this shit way too dark for what is ostensibly a kids' show"?  The answer? AAAH OH MY GOD what the fuck, yes? Maybe?