
Please cast Alexander Vlahos in the role. He could carry that show easy (though he's already been Dorian Gray & has aspirations on the Dr so would that be too many pretty long-lived individuals?).

Still the best TV field-SHIELD agent (i still consider Fitz & Simmons to be lab-rats at the end of the day)

True Entourage had bonde pixie-cut from the OC & Alexandra from Josie & the Pussycats (2001)/Younger

1 billion upvotes *Dr Evil maniacal laughter*

The mom from the Suite Life getting her own show as a Bad-@$$ supernatural-fighting cop?I'll watch it!

It's a bloody brilliant movie - i'll allow it. GIve him another $50 mill for Civil War too whilst you're at it.

He's not allowed to eat red meat. Due to the fish factor, Aquaman's open waters food-wise though… (as is the little known C-grade hero Sir Clucks-a-Lot aka ChickenMan)

the telepathic interface would be the input (or the dial settings)

This isn't an X-men spin-off movie with Alan Cumming. Disappointment abounds.

Go back to working on Toy Story 4!


Not quite, but a completely different type of awesome.

A person so inclined can find copies of The Middleman - Volume 4 - The Doomsday Armageddon Apocalypse on eBay or bookdepository.com Volume 5 also has a cross-over between the TV Middleman & the comic-book Middleman.

Greek has 0 morals. It's great.

*molecular energy

Truthfully I've got nothing for computer reprogramming (it's beyond my simple human brain to comprehend), but as for reattaching barbed wire, theoretically the sonic is pulsating the molecules of the barbed wire into such an excited state (entropy?) that the energy is released heating the ends of the wire, melting the

Regardless of corruption of the Olympics committees, it can't really be argued
how much of a international beacon of hope and other symbolism that is associated with that torch. & Dr Who is at heart as quintessentially aware of and proud of its Britishness as the likes of Wallace & Gromit is. & Dr Who has always

Does your magic wand cook toast? If so, then yes you can call it a super-toaster as long as you provide some connecting techno-babble explaining how your wand functions (aka Weather Wizards wand in The Flash) because toasters are real & its an extension of the real world to a semi-plausible place toasters can go

& Darvill returns as Rory to be Colman's companion?

Back away faster or I'll bore you to death with Turlough & Astirid.