
Juliet Law is Jude Law post-transition. Still has those cheeks though.

Oh the West Coast jellyfish - sorry, I was thinking about my East Coast jellyfish. To make up for it our river's infested with bullsharks though that thrive in the high-sediment environment. & Aussie Krakens just made me yawn at the one in Pirates 2. The Pirates of the Caribbean one are just edible entrees for ours.

I'm a Michael Bay girl, In a Michael Bay wor-rld. In order to make it, I gotta shake it. #BarbieGirlLyrics 2.0

Can your copulatory activities at least be gymnastically intricate and all-consuming enough that you're still gradually moving towards the macguffins end destination. In exchange you can include the macguffin itself in the freaky festivities.

Please, everybody knew he was coming back and was just stabbed to death. Jasper had a giant spear sticking out of him & he was the character that was actually supposed to die at the end of the pilot until the production team had a last minute change of mind when he tested well.

I'm the lost 13th model of human Cylon that broke off from the other 12 human-looking models because i was sick of their constant talking about pseudo-religion.

I like both these characters so am all for it.

You're thinking krakens. Jellyfish lack any real sort of muscle - they mostly just float wherever the ocean takes them.

The barthrobe is a hallucinogenic coercer. & a sentient parasitic lifeform. Full story available from Big Finish circa November 2025.

That's because he wasn't the cool pope.

Not unless Missy regenerates into another face of Missy because Gomez is leaving with her 'friends' Capaldi & Moffat - she's confirmed as such.

Remember if you gotta seduce a platypus to escape - it's the male ones that have a poisonous thorn on their rear left leg.

& hope the jellyfish don't learn to jump…

I could really understand why the crows did so though - so frequently I wish I could join them in the ignoring of humanity.

Downvote for not having an iteration with k9 in the mix.

That's the Simon Pegg parody of Spare Parts.

That episode is worth it just for Tennant's Dr carrying the Olympic Torch which lead to Smith's Dr actually getting to run with the olympic torch.

How they managed to pull Jago & Litefoot out of that travesty & make such a stellar audio series still mystifies me (probably in large part to the acting/vocal talent i suspect, though i wouldn't have picked them as spin-offable characters from the original serial).

Terrance Dicks & Douglas Adams

& Nardole too! people keep forgetting about him!