
Big Finish Productions - we need you! You love stories right? RIGHT?!

True, because who can deny the beat of Pop goes the weazle?

…i liked the weakest link in space… if only because there was an actual Dr-who cast themed episode of Weakest Link to promote it (my only gripe with that episode was that the only classic cast-member present was K9 who got eliminated first-round because he'd be the priciest character to interact with).

i think it helped that it didn't have Capaldi's Dr Time-Man-explaining it apart with vague over-the-top narration. It worked occasionally when he was scribbling on the chalk-board, but when he's just talking to himself in the TARDIS it just seems overly indulgent.

THey frequently mention various parts of the TARDIS that are broken, have functions, but not the functions they thought they were etc (so technobabble, but occassionally recurring technobabble), we have equivalents to the sonic screwdriver e.g. ultrasound technology, sonic resonators, etc although much more limited in

Unless Ian McKellen is the new Dr, then he's totally Gandalf who's had a magical shave.


i read that as 'the doctor' & was gearing up to write a defensive argument of 'just because the sonic vibrates at a variety of different frequencies doesn't mean….'

even if they're hot elvish mooks? that probably know how to throw a very 'clothing-lite' post-battle victory party?

Bringing Jasper back after the pilot of the 100 because they realized they had speared their most likable character at that point was the most hilariously ludicrous example to date.

it's the SHannara CHronicles mantra - copulate whilst armies of people die waiting for the macguffin you were sent on a quest to retrieve.

I do most CW shows, but for the life of me could not get into Crazy Ex GF - i'm not a big musical person (despite having watched & enjoyed Galavant, Smash & the musical episodes of Supergirl & Once Upon A Time) & the show just came across as all the worst parts of Felicity (an unwell woman that nobody addresses for

with the title sequence from Powerless. that said massively squandered cast - give or take the actress playing Wendy, her character never quite landed for me.

The B* in Apartment 23 has the worst case of episodes out of order - they aired seven episodes of season 1, held the rest of the episodes over til season 2, then proceeded to start airing season 2, remembered season 1 part 2 needed airing and started showing random episodes twice a week from across both seasons out of

Strangely, it's also a fitting finale to Powerless - weird. will miss Adam West though.

Both Reign & Bates Motel have finished the year - what comparisons do i see between the two shows which are so different in quality - both herald doomed protagonists that you are rooting for to win the day and escape their pre-destined fate, even until the final blow.

that threesome really did feel like a blast from the past - not a phrase i ever thought i'd be typing.

The CW is not Dr Who props-wise - just look at Arrow for proof. The CW only does well in stunt fighting and CGI. kinda glad they didn't try ageing her, just went for minimal makeup. they did enough for Elizabeth though. & that after-life romp is probably the most sensical representation i've seen of overly religious

You really need to do Supergirl season 2 and Arrow season 5 which ended amazingly - Arrow went very scorched earth and Supergirl just went for an epic showdown . that said i liked the final montage - it made sense since the show had always hinted at supernatural going ons.

Or maybe Australia's the right way up and its the northern hemisphere thats upside down, its all a matter of perspective to the wider universe - take that Terry Pratchett-esque line of thought :P