
People just gonna have to settle for microwaved apple pies.

"This dough's a little crusty"

Just wait til Smith meets an untimely demise - all those writers will be lining up around the block for a chance to pen a story for Onomatopoeia!

I like the spectrum of portrayals. Gotham's done some interesting things with Nygma by having the riddles be part of an obsession, where he gets obsessed over very specific things, details, women, Waynes, etc.

It's called Gotham. It's a campy, slightly Gorey take on the villains.

His first couple of appearances in BTAS really stuck with me though - especially all those boxes with collapsable walls.

Also at this Point Pete's like Condiment King where his obscurity has become what's made him famous (that said he's gone through a name change to something else i believe and he was a hero for a while too).

but what is Steve Munching?

It's been a while since they've had one of those. I hope we get one soon. The best was the X-Men/Teen Titans Crossover one.

Well with his publicist landing him this think-piece, it's only a matter of time right?

He popped up in Tim Drake's Robin series as well I believe.

You can't talk, dude who has villains like the Ringer!

How do you quantify that unit of measurement? How do you know when you have succeeded in such a goal as opposed to when the city's citizens are only half drunk as F@#$.

Unless you've a terminal disease and want to provide for your family.

They take counter-fitting really seriously, especially when it involves the faces of political figures (and that's in the real world, world-wide).

Sewed or Sued? because one involves knitting needles and the other involves legal action. (i'd probably read the former)

Stop mobbing the pun limelight.

"Crime took a nap"

No you go to the Crime Launderer like a normal villain who will then use his own special formula of Crime Removal.

*or she or them. Ghost Writer chooses not to define themselves by gender but by the collective body of their work in both a qualitative and quantitative form.