
Rick's only Rick if he has a Morty. Otherwise he's just a degenerate drinker, drug-abuser and gambler with genius-level mad-scientist tendencies.

So Thomas Wayne, because that's who performed copulatory activities with Batman's mother? Or maybe Martha has some exes we don't know about from her-pre-Wayne days. Now let the fanfiction about Martha's perfectly-acceptable promiscuity run rampant….

someone who hasn't watched Jessica Jones…

*eye twitch*

It's been pretty consistently good - i've splurged on purchasing the first volume in graphic novel TPB form.

Dropping it straight into your online shopping cart you mean - Ka-Ching!

I've really been enjoying Champions so far - you?

Un-Sarcastically I would actually go watch that if they kept the original voice actor.

I like her taste in movies.

Kinda glad they didn't do that with Emoji Movie - I do not need to see Poop emoji involved in such activities…even if it's Pat Stewart.

They'll be sued for plagiarism by Sausage Party for that merging part.

Don't worry, you stick even two of them in a room together and they start replicating like rabbits (breeding tip: they'll outpace rabbit-breeding standards if you impose a omnipotent entity-worshiping belief system upon them). You'll be up to your neck in them in no time!

Blurgh. that survived the kulling of the last tv season? - i wasn't a fan of the Leeson movies, so i don't think i'll be tuning for that show at any stage.

Forewarning: I've heard from i think other pages on here that if you watched the original, don't compare the two.

Oooh, which one?


It's a fun, trashy watch.

:0 - i like this version of Mr Terrific though (better than the smarmy full-of-himself New-52 Mr Terrific who i can't stand).

1. Pretty sure they ruined Patti in that last episode or 2.

but it's the kinda cruel joke I can get behind. Can they please do that?