
I must have a blindspot to those sort of shows in general.

Don't worry, I'm sure uncertainty regarding the actor's jackedness & showing of flesh (CW's primary characteristics) will be addressed adequately within the pilot episode.

I'll concede Tegan is definitely a 5th Dr companion, but BF could easily slip in some Tom Dr, Adric & Nyssa adventures into the gap between Keeper of traken & Logo. They've slotted more adventures into smaller continuity gaps.

I enjoyed them, though i was admittedly expecting more carnage. Really, Hurt could have read the phonebook & made it interesting though.

The regeneration scene at end of time doesn't account?

defs licensing though i gotta admit that series predates my time @ BF - it was an Avengers (spy show) spinoff right?

I'd call some of those -especially Smallville mainstream.

I'd argue James Marsters (Smallville, Caprica, Torchwood, Dresden Files), Seth Green (so many animated projects i'd get meta carpel tunnel syndrome listing them) & Anthony Head (Merlin, Dominion, Yonderland) are all contenders. Charisma Carpenter (Veronica Mars, Lying Game, Legend of the Seeker) , Nathan Fillion

i worry Larroquette's presence here will affect his Librarians availability.

have you met a Whovian ? - that's a core character trait in our stereotypical representation!

If you love Deadpool, this is him at his best (arguably, & i say that with a lot of love for the Reynolds cinematic version.)

If you say so - that special had too much shrillness & screaming for my tastes , but it did make the much preferred silent reunion after missing eachother multiple times in the adipose episode sweeter.

I did the first couple of Charlie ones, then did the 8th dr advents with lucie Miller (& sometimes Susan), dark eyes & Doom coalition, then went back to the Charlie era & have sort of lost my way in the divergent universes arc.

worry but a Bond that's not Roger Moore, or i guess Connery makes me snooze.

She's the Peculiar Children's Home actress right? because i really liked that (even though the movie sorta flopped).

He's the 21st century Tom Baker, without the enigmatic charm…

Dorian Gray, Bernice Summerfield, begrudgingly i've taken to Jago & Litefoot (i never considered Talons of Weng Chang a particularly strong 4th Dr story or the central characters as particuarly memorable in that adventure, but they shine through my earbuds on audio), & that's just for a start.

There's GraphicAudio which has done some amazing adaptations of various books & graphic novels including Marvel's Deadpool & the Khan Ms Marvel & Batman's No Man's Land.

pre-BF i'd argue 8 but McGann has done glorious BF work. These days 2nd last probably goes to 9 due to external to the show factors.

Check out Tom Baker - never will the Dr be so tongue-in-cheek amazing.