
I never had a problem with the coat. Wacky wardrobe is just Dr Nuttiness 101. Baker's acting back then was a little eyebrow raising & what should have been a learning curve wasn't helped by the show's weakest writing slump to date.

Donna's good if you ignore the runaway bride special.

i liked souffle girl though.

I've a top FIVE Drs: 1. Dr 4 (Tom Baker), 2. Dr 10 (Tennant), 3. War Dr (Sir Hurt), 4. Dr 8 (McGann), 5. Dr 7 (Sylvester McCoy), but will devour adventures with most other dr's regardless.

I've a top 5: 1. Dr 4 (Tom Baker), 2. Dr 10 (Tennant), 3. War Dr (Sir Hurt), 4. Dr 8 (McGann), 5. Dr 7 (Sylvester McCoy), but will devour adventures with most other dr's regardless.

I assume you've binged all of Paul McGann's Big Finish work as the 8th Dr then (audiobooks) - in the main range, the 8th Dr Adventures, Doom Coalition & Dark Eyes as well as having pre-ordered the upcoming Time-War box-set?

Then John Leeson's K9 & the late Liz Sladen's Sarah Jane Smith had an underappreciated kids show: The Sarah Jane adventures spin-off which had both Dr 10 & Dr11 appear in double-part episodes (something Twood never achieved). K9 also got his own spin-off series where he could regenerate & my hometown of Brisbane,

There's a video from her pop star days pre-Who where she gets kidnapped by an alien spaceship that is so hilarious in retrospect. & i was always meh about Rose (preferred Martha & later-era Donna for Davies years), but love Piper in other stuff - Secret Diary of a callgirl especially. I gotta start watching Penny

The late John Hurt did some amazing sounding voicework for 4 War Dr boxsets (he meets Leela, Warrior of the Sevateem in the 4th one) & if you like River Song you will love the Diaries of River Song. Long story short - between those, anything Tom Baker or Paul McGann related or series with Leela, Romana, Adric or

Download is more than half the price of the cd (not including shipping costs & additional incurred international order costs) for the record: https://www.bigfinish.com/r…

i'd watch that.

The Secret Diaries of a Call Girl & her Private Eye.

Sorry, getting my powerhouse females with bad@$$ swords and demon armies occasionally at their command confused.

Almost worth it for TV's Scott Foley on Undateable as himself, delivering the one-liner to a female character who shortened her hair (not as drastically though), "That's a bad haircut & trust me, i know what a bad haircut is."

got to get around to the americans one-day - most recent thing i saw her in was a planet of the apes sequel.

Still don't know how they messed up an Elektra movie that badly to this day after seeing how hands-on Garner could be with action & doing some of her own stunts in Alias. At least the director's cut of the DD movie is good.

in reality, it should be the opposite.

& yet she still ended up with blondie-bear.

being a zeitgeist show i binged the 4 seasons on 2nd hand dvds i picked up from a cashconverters (finally watched post 2010) and spent the four seasons trying to figure out why people liked the show or the central character. The review above blows off the first 10 minutes as set-up, but it just seemed wrong to me in

Which doesn't include non-X-members like: Madelyne Pryor, male Capt. Marvel, Thane & Thanos who got their hands on it or What if timelines with Frank Richards, Storm & Nightcrawler.