
Pitfalls… or advantages? Sorry, i've just been watching Shameless - that show warps your soul…

(minus a Gaiman), it was called Stargate Universe - it was the Mr Gold Show with Agent May/voice of Mulan….

"I'm not saying this is Bambi's iconic dead mother… but I'm not saying it isn't either…" - Cruella :D

Series finale perhaps?

Unless you eat the chef…

That's laughable - 18 months! - trying doubling if not tripling it before we get another special. then add 2 years after that before another season.

I can feel both ways - it's not always rationale, but then the world of Venture has rarely embodied that…

I gave this episode an A, just because of when Dr Venture returns to his digs & the OSI & the baddies are just casually having a pool party/water polo match (with Hank on the bad guys side - an omen of things to come perhaps? (probably not)) & the master mixologist just goes with it - made me happier than i had any

This makes me sadder on a fundamental level than I have any right to be.

I thought it was great they used their GOT parody episode to *spoiler alert* axe a character in a ridiculous yet surprising way! Especially Younger's closest equivalent to Jeoffrey!

but the Mary Poppins of it all!

& Amy Acker will find a new sci-fi/genre project to get wrapped up in (hopefully & preferably helmed by an Avengerless-Whedon)

His live-action stuff. His superiour voice-work on animated cartoons usually struggles for survival ala Mystery Inc & Kim Possible

Warburton's certainly done it before, and with Mike & Molly ending…

Atlantis & Universe I have/am enjoying. SG-1 i constantly struggle with - perhaps it's the ratio of military people to non-military folks that makes it so rigid, idk but it makes it harder for me to stick with.

C'mon, they won't visit the same place twice. For variety it'll be necrophilia like all the vampire and zombie shows out there :)

it's how short season 1 felt ;P

That last sentence is thinly veiled yelling of "Maggie, Maggie, Maggie! We want more Maggie!"

I could quibble with you over Charles, 'cause i know they're going there and I sooooo don't want it to happen, just because it's the obvious direction and i would possit that when Kelsey's given work-related plot she functions better than whatever weird machinations they contrive for her character romantically.

I just assumed this would be his character's natural jump off the train point, give or take a Kelsey lashing out at Liza and/or Thad scene(s), possibly marking the beginning of Kelsey's spiral.