

Ummm… this episode wasn't the end of the season, so it's just an episodic semi-cliffhanger at most - we still get two more glorious episodes! I expect the season 2 cliffhanger to involve Liza making a choice between boss-man or Josh with her leaning in to kiss one or the other and for almost everyone else, especially

I liked the sort of semi-cliffhangery ending of this episode

I would watch the hell out of that! & she was in a movie called Leading Lady that i've heard was good & i'll get around to checking out eventually.

Rare for a sit-com not situated in the 90's to have such a hot streak during it's 5th season - so many one-liners that worked!

^Shall be very disappointed if this is a second wind-up! However, since I can't be bothered checking, I shall grant you benefit of the doubt right now and say YAY & thank you for the update! (not necessarily in that order)

Shame on you for raising my hopes about a double ep of Carmichael!

Why whenever chewing scenery is mentioned, do I always imagine a flashing image of that character chewing on a piece of the set - in this case Norma/N gnawing on a setee…

I like the comment about the critics

zero fudgsicles would be millenial :p

I liked him in Merlin & iZombie, but this kinda lost me once they left Syria - i think i would've preferred the show if it had been about a photographic journalist going to dangerous locales writing human interest stories every week. It's nothing against the actor, this just isn't my genre of show. Hope those whose

Goodbye Norman, hello Norma/n. You will be missed, but i think your replacement will be just as juicily intriguing.

Valid point about Freeform - at this point I am clueless as to how many years Switched @ Birth's 5 seasons have depicted & I vaguely figure The Fosters has covered a semester, a summer and part of another school semester over 3 seasons. Chasing Life, the only other really good drama on the Freedom network that's been

The best bits are the crazy segues in his head - Jimmy Kimmel surprisingly worked (i usually avoid him like a plague) & they're hemming on Crazy ExG territory with the impromptu dance numbers.

I still hold that Gellar was/looked too old for the role, even if the first movie did rip off the first season of Buffy the Vamp Slayer

The Sisterhood of the Travelling Ants - i balked and lost it - in the best possible way - with laughter!


Just darling! ;p

1 of them (the good one anyway)

On the bright side, a proper finale for the show! ;p