
Damn, Gentle Herpes beat me to it. I'm a bit slow to the comments.

Super Colon Blow - the ice cream flavor! Or hell, just take a scoop of vanilla and sprinkle Super Colon Blow on it.

There's got to be 50 people working behind the scenes. That's pretty incredible!

Tetris was 84?? I thought later than that. Unless they mean the one in Soviet Union. No Metroid though makes me sad.

As long as there is alpha decay in radioactive elements on this planet, we will never run out of helium.

Y'all should listen to "I've been so mad lately" by the Butt Trumpets. "You can eat the corn outta my shit"

I'm probably really late to this discussion, but I just got the Raymond Scott Rewired and holy shit is it good!

Phish - Bathtub Gin

I like your name. Song, meh, it's almost worth an upvote

Everytime I hear this song I always have to ask, "What time is it, how drunk are you and who do you need when?"

Raymond Scott's "Powerhouse" Anyone who has ever watched old cartoons has to agree with me on this one.

I was actually thinking "I'll be Mellow when I'm dead"

Considering I'm in the middle of reading "The Martian" and the main character mentions it specifically, definitely!

I'm not sure I can go for that. Possibly Adult Education instead??

When it comes to prog rock yodeling songs, this one is way up there!

Oh hell yeah!

The Temptations - Ball of Confusion
It's safe to assume I speak for everyone here =)

Nestle would periodically do audits on their suppliers, but you can't be everywhere all the time. They have thousands of suppliers. Furthermore it was a supplier of a supplier.

It's a shame all this has to be recalled since the risk is minute. I work in the industry and from what I understand, the supplier (Rancho Feeding) who's beef has been recalled failed to keep records of the cattle or didn't have the records or something. Therefore the USDA has to assume that there is a possibility

I basically just posted the same thing, I should have read further down before posting. I hope we are right!