
I have a hard time reading fiction - I'm such a real science nerd, but I can't wait to read this. If it's half as good as the reviews, it'll be awesome. Based on how well Gravity did in the theater, I would imagine this would be the next step beyond for a movie. Either that or an Apollo 11 movie. I can only hope.

Agreed. It's articles like this that keep me reading the AV Club. I'm glad some people refrained from snide comments.

What bothered me most about the physics was during reentry.  The pen was still floating around.  It would be slammed so hard against the wall.  Furthermore Bullock would have her back pressing super hard into her seat assuming she's backwards which is typical for these sorts of vehicles.
Also, maybe I missed this, but

Yes Moon Hooch was great!  I was not expecting that.  Two saxaphones and a drummer.  Very interesting sounds.  If you can see TMBG, try to go a show with them opening.  You won't regret it.