
Grant Lee Buffalo
"Sing Along"

So then there's no excuse for how marble-mouthed that track is?

"Elvis Presley and America"

To clarify, that's the prison fight scene close to the beginning, when Bruce Wayne is in prison, not the big prison escape stuff at the end.

"enter into talks with Nolan to shoot The Navidson Record"


I'm with you, Reetty. And whether you like Snyder's films or not, at least he knows how to choreograph, frame, and shoot an action sequence so that the viewer can tell what the hell is going on. Nolan's a far superior filmmaker, in my opinion, and his huge action set-pieces are nice, but his scenes of fisticuffs are

So it'll be starring Jada Fire, then?

Billy, you've got it. And Hmmm, 'Eatdick' is too obvious. 'Eatwick' is one of those things you might not even notice at first glance. Much classier, and I likes my porn classy. Which is why I watch very little porn.

Billy, The Witches of Eatwick is an amazing porn title, and I'm stealing it. Also, the reboot of Eastwick is real, it just isn't theatrical. It's a TV series that (I think) starts this fall. I can offer no more details, because I don't care enough about it to know any.

Also (for anyone who may still be looking at this thread), this Saturday at midnight Fox is airing a 30 minute machinima film made with RDR game assets…and directed by John Hillcoat, who directed The Proposition.

Ooooh, JVS, you're in for a great experience. The Proposition is flat-out fucking awesome. And written by Nick Cave, too! Enjoy.

Unrelated to this story, but related to this post - I am infuriated/confused by the frequent misuse of quotation marks. There must be at least 7 different delis within 15 miles of my house that offer (according to their signage) "Hot" Corned Beef.

Let me make clear that I have not ever even touched the disc for MGS4, so I'm basing my opinion on previous installments in the franchise…but the problem I anticipate having with the cutscenes (should I ever get around to trying the game) won't be their length, it'll be that THEY WILL BE OVERLY COMPLICATED AND MAKE

And regarding The Last Guardian - Fumito Ueda has only said that more information about the game will be coming this year, either at E3 or at Tokyo Game Show. If the only promise is for 'new info', that doesn't bode well for seeing an actual release this year. However, he has also said that he wants the announcement

And Jason Beghe's continuing fight against the Church of Scientology makes me kind of feel warm and generous toward anything he's in. Even the craptacular Lifetime movies he's been showing up in lately.

And oh yeah, I meant to urge you to play the Marine campaign. It's kind of a pain in the ass during the sections where they take away everything but your pistol (which at least has infinite ammo), but there are some really cool set-piece moments that exist only in that particular campaign. And when you finally get

The Predator jumps are now done with a 'focus' mode, where a button is held, an icon appears (if it is a place that you can jump to), and another button executes the jump, so while I don't have a point of reference for the older games (the last AvP I played was the Jaguar version), the jump is pretty powerful. The

OK, I tried to be nice, Poophat, you increasingly insufferable prick, but you insist on being the most arrogant douche you can be, so let's get some things straight. First, I am not making the claim that games, in general, are art. Most games I play are pure, silly entertainment, and I have no problem with that. I

I blasted through the campaigns this weekend, and I was not disappointed. I haven't entered the multiplayer fray yet, so I can't really comment on lag, but some of the complaints I've read are actually things I liked about it. The lack of 'iron sights' and no crouching ability are very old-school, and make it feel