
Yeah, that trailer is so effective that it makes me feel bad for the game developers (who I imagine came up with the concept for the trailer, but it was actually made by a Scottish ad firm) who now have to somehow make their previously-unheard-of-but-still-just-another-damn-zombie-game live up to the hype generated by

Or Russell's horrible story ideas. I think he's a good director, albeit a total douchebag, but his 'vision' for Uncharted makes one wonder if he even bothered to have an assistant describe the damn game to him. Marky Mark and half the cast of Goodfellas, political intrigue, heads-of-state…what? And part of what

Am I the only one who thinks Uncharted 2 belongs on this list?

And it's available streaming on Netflix. I found the bit about the apparent misogyny of the MPAA's arbitrary decisions (e.g. full frontal female nudity OK; showing a woman having an orgasm not OK) both interesting and appalling. And I actually liked the bit with the detectives looking into the board members, as it

JVS- My wife & I saw Machete, and we not only loved the movie, we didn't find Michelle Rodriguez annoying as hell in it, which is a first. I can't remember offhand who reviewed it here at the AV Club, but they didn't think too much of it, and felt it failed to live up to the promise of the original trailer. We felt

Looking at Christina Hendricks and finding her 'fat' is kinda fucked up, Scotus. By that measure, Marilyn Monroe was fat, too. I take it you're in to chicks with eating disorders?

To be fair, though, Tarsem was just a director-for-hire on that film. Had no hand in writing it, and has been pretty up-front in his negative opinion of the script. Now, if you hated "The Fall", well, that's all Tarsem, so no defense for that.

Cemetery Man is every different kind of awesome.

Really want to make a costume of the alien from the Venture Bros. - the one who keeps yelling, "IGNORE ME!" - but I haven't had the time/funds tom make the damn thing yet, so it ain't gonna happen this year. Most of my friends suck at Halloween anyway, so I probably wouldn't have anywhere decent to wear it.

"Look Who's Burnin'" by Ice Cube. Does that kind of burning count?

Stick Figure Theater on Liquid Television. It's strange to think that there was a time when MTV didn't completely suck.

…what about that crazy-ass new 'Heavy Metal' movie he's been working on? Because against all better judgment (considering that the first HM only had a couple of good parts and the second one was truly horrible), I'm completely psyched for that.

I have a print of the Space Jockey from Alien, signed by Giger; a copy of Last Chance to See signed by Douglas Adams; and the version of Frankenstein illustrated by Berni Wrightson signed by Wrightson. I'm happy to have them all, and I'm nearly 40.

Well, then, Frankie80, I guess that cinches it. I am, and have always been, wrong about those lyrics. Ah, well. Thanks for the info, though.

idiotking, if you were ever feeling forgiving and generous enough to give them a chance, I would definitely recommend Mighty Joe Moon. The rest of their stuff I like to varying degrees, but that album is, in my humble opinion, really damn good.

Also, Frankie80, to clarify - I don't know that either is Grant Lee's version, since Mighty Joe Moon came sans lyric sheet. Given that the various lyric sites I've looked at all have some variation in the lyrics to this song (with this line being consistent), my assumption is that these are just fans guessing. What

I saw them with 16 Horsepower opening, which was fucking great.

Never mind, it happened automagically in the posting.

Did anyone ever see Corky & the Juice Pigs do their REM parody? Stupid, but the longer it goes, the funnier it gets (to me). I especially like the ridiculous little Michael Stipe dance he does in the middle.

Thanks, Laikaetr. That explains it. After making the initial post, I went to one of those lyric sites and read the (supposed) lyrics to this song, and it was hilarious. Why would one bother painstakingly translating something that is clearly gibberish by the second verse?