
Isn't art really subjective, when it comes down to it? What is 'art' to one person is 'total shit' to another. Like the paintings of Mark Rothko. He may be revered, and hang in many of the most prestigious museums, but none of that changes that I think his work is absolute shit, and (to me) it's like the painting

Mmmmm…demon rape, giant robots, and cheap conveyor-belt sushi. That is quite a trinity. And a potentially great title for a Japan travelogue.

Thanks, RagingBear. I played the demo, so I'm aware of the odd walking controls. I was really fighting them, at first, until I consciously moved my left thumb away from the stick and only moved it back to flick a direction. I've got it pre-ordered from Amazon, so I guess I'll see what's what next week.

Don't particularly care…
…about this game, and I'm probably posting this comment too late to get a reply, but is the AV Club going to review Heavy Rain? Most reviews are in (embargo lifted on the 10th), and most are positive, but I was looking forward to AVC's take.

As another Clevelander, the only thing this show could do to offend me is to depict Cleveland as anything other than a sad, dying shithole trying desperately to beat Detroit to the bottom. I can't wait until my wife & I are done with school so we can flee this pit.

I didn't see this episode, but that's because I have found Glee to be so full of grossly offensive stereotypes that no amount of Jane Lynch can save it. Am I alone in this here?

The fact that this nearly unplayable suckfest with its horrible control scheme garnered a slightly higher grade from the AV Club than the first Uncharted shows how seriously fucked your rating scale is. That is all.


@ forget_it_jake

I'd like to thank Andy Capp and Dark Passengerside Airbag for taking my overly long, extremely busy Friday here at work and making it all OK. That shit was fucking hilarious.

Just went to IMDB, and I have the right film, but the wrong actor in my head. He was NOT the villain in 10 to Midnight, but I was kind of mortified to learn that I was correct in my memory of said villain's name. I say again: I remembered the name of the villain character in Charles Bronson's 10 to Midnight…but I

Keith Carradine was also great recently on Dexter.

I just have to be sure…is Massacre at Central High the one where SPOILER the guy who played the villain in 10 to Midnight (what a crapfest that was) gets his legs crushed in shop class by bullies, then goes about killing everyone at school, including nerdy kids who had seemingly nothing to do with his legs being

"Really, I thought it was an excuse to have teens fuck. "

That's really weird. Did they change something about that scene in later editions of the game? It's a game I got when it first launched, but my post-credits experience was noticeably different from what you're describing. In mine, when the credits finished with a shot of the rowboat Yorda put Ico in washed up on

@Shih Tzu
Yeah, people definitely have strong preferences between these two games. I liked the emptiness of the landscape between Colossi - it was (to me) kind of an interesting counterpoint to the castle in Ico. They were very different settings - one confining and the other wide open - but they both evoked the same

As sad as it sounds (and, indeed, IS), there is really nothing I can think of that I'm looking forward to as much as The Last Guardian. Ico and SOTC are, for my money, the best games ever produced by a wide margin, and are the best examples of why Ebert's an idiot for saying games can't be art. Team ICO is the

On a related note…
…I'll be hosting a shotgun tasting at my home tonight. If you arrive late, you may need to let yourself in. That is all.

MacBeth2112…how so? If you mean that they look like they'd make a warm pair of mittens, or might be tasty in a crockpot, I'd agree, but as dramatis personae, they do, indeed, suck.

I agree that this is an unimportant non-event, but do you really think he shouldn't be fired? Whether or not it's widely known or common practice is irrelevant - piracy IS illegal. Even the question of whether or not piracy SHOULD be illegal is irrelevant. At this time in history, it is.