
TomWaits is, again, correct. X3 sucked.

Me, too, Me, Too. Pros & Cons is among my favorite things that have ever been created (and it played a key part in the day I met my wife, so, that also makes me love it).

I actually like playing with the controller, but that's most likely because it's simply what I'm used to. There is a company that makes a mouse-type controller for consoles that's gotten good reviews, though. I think they're called Frag-FX or something like that.

Japan: SOCOM: Confrontation.

Hey i hate you carl monday-

Yeah, I gotta go with Quirk on this one. The only dickish thing I see here is his inability to let it go once he's said his piece. A DP (or any other film professional) ought to damn well know not to walk into frame on a live set, and the tirade indicates that this isn't the first time Hurlbut made this mistake.

Elitist Trash, with all due respect, you did not understand Fight Club. At all. It was satirical, and should not have been interpreted as legitimate whining. For me, what I liked so much about it was that, toward the beginning, that leftover teen anarchist part of the brain does kind of respond to the Tyler Durden

I know this is really a Kubrick thread, but I had to respond to Terrified about The Final Cut: Arguably the best Floyd album ever. In fact, I would say that Roger Waters is one of my sacred cows, and the more obsessive control he wielded in his time with PF, the better the albums were. Floyd fans tend to be very



Okay, I have no idea what "Satrgate: Atlantis" is, but I do know that "STARgate: Atlantis" sucks ass.

Heat Vision & Jack
Yeah, I know, it never actually aired, so it doesn't count, but has anyone seen the pilot for this show? It had potential to be the funniest show ever.

Yes, please, Cemetery Man. And Bubba Ho-Tep. Wouldn't mind The Quiet Earth, either.

@ Jerry Sizzler (awesome name, by the way. How's your sister?)

I haven't downloaded this yet, but from what I've read, the ability to use your own music in-game is the reward for completing all the gardens.

I'm with you, Frito.

"Seven foot tall, he was. Arms like tree-trunks, eyes like steel, cold and hard. With a shock o'hair, red, like the fires of Hell."

It isn't just "at the audience"
Apparently, the US trailer for the new Indiana Jones had to be edited because they weren't allowed to show guns pointed at ANYONE. If you watch the trailer, there is a shot of Harrison Ford and Ray Winstone standing with their hands up…and some weird crawling textures going on on

One of my first 'R' movies was "Apocalypse Now" in 70mm on a massive screen. I was eight. My dad had no concept of 'age-appropriate' when it came to film, and I love him for it. But now he wonders why I'm a weird, morbid fuck.

Am I the only one who thinks this is the ONLY good film in Black's filmography? Well, maybe Monster Squad, too, but the rest just SUCK. Last Boy Scout has got to be one of the most insanely misogynistic films I've ever seen, Long Kiss Goodnight is just godawful, I never bothered with Last Action Hero, and Lethal