
Wide through the hips? Rrrroomy?

Yeah, saw them here in Cleveland a few times. Great shows! I like Woven Hand, but it's missing something without the other guys (Humbert and Yves-Tola, I think are there names). Also, while the religion has always been there, with Woven Hand Edwards is much more willing to invoke the name of Jesus, which was a

16 Horsepower. They actually kept getting decent record deals, then losing them because no one knew how to promote them. Then they disbanded over "religious and political differences". The lead singer is the grandson of a Nazarene preacher, and their music is pretty full of that old-timey fire and brimstone,

When I saw a headline in 'The Hater' that included the name 'Will.i.am', I knew that the universe was starting to fall into place. I have hated that fucker with a poorly-contained psychotic rage ever since I first saw how he spelled his name. I think I might actually want to kill him over it.

Don't blame me, Truant, you saw the claw marks on the floor and you still took that crazy-looking box of scraps. You should've just kept your tattoo parlor job.

Okay, let me establish right now: I did not watch 'On The Lot' regularly, but when you hear that Bay is going to be critiquing films, how can you not have a little morbid curiosity? As far as Pearl Harbor goes, well, that was when I was still naive enough to trust a film recommendation from my parents.

Did anyone watch…
…that miserable 'reality' show On The Lot? Bay was one of the guest judges on an episode I watched, and he criticized a guy's two minute film for being overly long and in need of some tightening and trimming. Now, he was actually (remarkably) correct, but can you imagine being the guy who got told

Cameron's Avatar is something different. Shyamalan is doing a film version of a cartoon called Avatar: The Last Airbender, of which I know nothing beyond the title.

Oh, and Tasha…
…SEE THE MISSION. I can't imagine you'll be disappointed - great cast, great score, great scenery, great script. Sad as hell, though.

Like others here…
I'm happy to see When The Wind Blows on the list. And Platoon isn't just overrated, it sucks, like most (but not all) of Oliver Stone's work (Natural Born Killers, Talk Radio, and Born On The Fourth Of July are all pretty terrific. However, since none of the AV staff have touched on it, I would