Sheldon Coopers Libido

10.Sorry I was pretending to work while I typed that bon mot.
9. My fingers type faster than my brain thinks
8.-1. In the words of the Italian philosopher "Boo Fucking Hoo"


Top Ten Other Requirements for a Nerd's Girl
10. Can tell a Catwoman from a Batgirl
9. Dosen't mind making out in your Mom's Basement
8. Knows the Wednesday is for comics
7. Agrees with your choice of the better Enterprise captain
6. Has her own computer
5. Dosen't mind sitting through another showing of Star Wars
4. Helps

I am sure he would never cheat with another woman

What about Dave Coulieraphobia? The fear of oral sex in cinemas?

Fine! Take all the Umbridge!!

But his constant theivery was impressive

94) Tied with Al Gore for most parodied Liberal

Well I Never!!
You should try it sometime, it's fun

Red Lantern
Don't they spit blood on the foes?

She obivously Goldberry, Tom Bombadil's wife

imagine if they had done a Turnaround-type on Voyager? With Janeway grabing her crotch, spitting and trying to hit on some female aliens?

If it makes you happy "May you be raped by thousands of Chekov clones full of Fiery Canceraids"

This review
Seemed a little.. looser than the previous ones? Romulian Ale perhaps?

This movie is foe 30-something soccer moms
Who still try to fit into their skinny black jeans and listen to "Purple Rain" while fantazing about Johnny Depp and David Duchovny.

A Better Ending?
Would have been having the characters all wake up and realize they are all employees at a Build-A-Bear Workshop in Des Moines

Oscar, like Penny, would be the "Man" in the relationship

Were there shippers for The Odd Couple?

Does anyone remember the LoSG where Tenzil Kem (Matter Eater Lad) was hosting some hokey "In Search of" type show. They were digging up the ruins of a cave outside Gotham and found a giany playing card and giant penny. Tenzil claimed that it was proof that there was a race of giant presidents that roamed the stars.

Can we just keep these open and discuss TOS endlessly? And this is my my favorite feature too.