Sheldon Coopers Libido

Ok Spacemonkey Mafia, what was the dude's name? I would love to know if there was a backstory to his living in Alaska.

This Sucks
My local PBS stations never run anything as cool as this during pledge drives. the coolest thing we get is about some dude that lived by himself in Alaska and filmed himself living alone in Alaska. entertaining but not cool.

Haters of TBBT = Muggles

I only come here for the hatred and bile of the trolls.

Wait, the are others writers besides Zack on this site?

Thanks Star Trek Fan

Are these write ups going to be on Thursdays from now on?
If so Great!!

Elisabeth Rohm as a toothless lesbian

Invincible by Kirkman, the same writer as The Walking Dead. Great book by a guy that loves comics.

"Put your shoes on, we're almost at grandma's"

the ladies of comics are all cut up in the fridge, or don't you read comics?

Let's not forgot Greg Rucka on the list of Baldies

But I would Sheldon as someone who knew about B5 from back on the Compuserve days. That might be because the guy I know that acts like Sheldon is a big B5 fan.

I assumed Chuck Lorre and JMS know each other. can anyone confirm?

At least they kept the B5 dislike constant. Even though it makes no sense.

I assumed it was how he heard his mother pronounce it.

And what kind of accountant can't understand a gambling system?

Never, I repeat ,Never swap anything that the Ma-Sheen has touched.

Well it's better than Deep Impact

The holodecks are almost as dangerous as the transporters. They screwed up at least once a season?