Sheldon Coopers Libido

Space Lincoln and the Disruptors
Best 80's New Wave Band EVAR

Was that writen by Peter David? I know he wrote a bunch of the DC Star Trek's

But what if in the far future some grad student archielogist is digging up your place and comes to the conclusion that there were only 2 seasons of Star Trek? Dammit think of the future.

Spock gets ALL the space nurses

Between the Titans and the LOSH I can't decide, who had the most "with it" costumes? Compare Jericho and Starfire with Phantom Girl and Karate Kid.

It is the Mo-dern age not Mod-ern


I would pay $$$$ to see Tom Green
as the emcee of a Drew Barrymore Roast.

This and the one from The Muppet Show always bring back fond memories.

I've always assumed that the Holodeck vacuumed up any stray particles. Such as blood, sweat or "jizz"

By "Read" I mean "Stumbled upon on the wife's laptop"

I would say young Wesley Crusher would have the most sexual tension. Al least from the slash fiction I have read.

I was putting a DCU themed puzzle together with my 2YO, when he pointed to Batman and looked up at me and said "Dada".

I mean more recently than 07

He seems like he'd be a great interview. (HINT HINT)

I didn't walk for almost year after my painful circumcision

Well, they have mostly been, um, erotic comics. Ironwood was one.

May you get the fabled canceraids from "swordswallowing"

On the first run of Elementals he wrote and drew it. The other stuff he has drawn since then has been… pokey to be nice.

Did anyone else
Base their ideal soulmate on the female leads in screwball comedies? I feel lucky that I found someone who can verbally spar with me, while others can't tell if we're fighting or flirting.