Sheldon Coopers Libido

Seeing those ads with Sarah and Dimitri together, made me think Sarah had a bigger penis than him, and would fuck him to death.

Although Thomas the Tank refrences would almost be expected

No!! You should always see movies where someone does the jaw unhinging thing in the previews. Last night we watched this lovely movie starring Belladonna where she did that. It was a masterpiece. Cinema Gold

Wait, I thought Cory Doctorow was just a joke from xkcd? There's a real Doctorow?

She makes it by being a model for tooth whiting ads.
Or the same way your mama makes it. On her Back

That's why the Redshirts Rebelled and took over. Ever wonder why in TNG the Redshirts were in charge and the Yellow shirts were expendable?

Ours was fun, but brutal. I usually rolled up a new character every other game.

If she had a kid, she'd be a MILF

Roleplaying in the Star Trek Universe
While playing in the FASA Star Trek RPG, guess which two races the wife wanted to play, an Elani or Orion. Women.

This is why
The Hobbit will not be coming out for a long time. 3-D hobbit feet hair!!!
Although Smaug in 3-D does sound cool

I thought it was either Indian-dot or Indian-feather?

In Related News
Amiga announced that they are still dead.

You're thinking of "A Prom Night in Savannah" or "A Prom Night in Sasha Grey"

We named him Roger
Is it sad that I would like a coworker like Lem or Phil?

Has fox seen?
The gay percentage of this show?
I love this show, but it seems like the kind of show Fox News would cry about. "Homo Alien Fighters Defending America under the Obama Administraion"

I'm as real as Tyler Durden

Frontline: The Card Game
Is not at much fun as Magic: The Gathering. But I have a complete set, does anybody want to trade? I'll take 60 Minutes: The Card Game or Ted Koppel-opoly: The Wacky Hair Game

My wife the RN
Says the medical stuff on House isn't horrible, but the new crop of doctors that believe that they are House is.

If you haven't seen Vir Cotto's little wave, then you have not seen the best payoff in TV short of Jon Stewart taking apart Carson Tucker.

Zack, how is that determined? Solely based on comments, or pageviews?