Sheldon Coopers Libido

May you be raped by Chekovs and your brain placed in a jar.

Oh and I read the Blish novelizations. I still remember checking them out of the elementary school library, and then reporting for my weekly wedgies.

So how many Pico-seconds do we think Kirk lasted in bed?

No Golden Girls coverage or Chekov rape?

Just because someone claims that Rob Leifield is the second coming of Kirby, doesn't make them a loofah.

Um.. Dawn of the Dead was set in one location, The Walking Dead features the cast wandering around.

Nothing sums up the 70's vehicle excitment like a hot-air ballon chase!!

Fuck Yeah!!

Human Female!!
I told those guys not to install Klingon

Great album, but nobody knows it

OK, at least Sheldon, and probaly Leonard have had there backgrounds checked and fingers printed? And wouldn't the university care that RESEARCH WAS STOLEN????!!!

If Leonard had to go away to do research at the North Pole for a season, would anybody miss him?

If Dexter has taught us anything, and it has taught us alot, it's never trust English titty vampires.

Next week on Sexy Theives. the girls scope out the apartment of two nerds. Can they steal enough 8 bit Nintendo games to sastify Mr Big?
TV Guide gives it 3.5 stars

Can anyone name the second Black Crowes album? No?
But everbody remembers the second Led Zepplin album

I wish
I lived in another universe where someone else reviewed this album

Are we having a serious discussion here or not?

Is "The Road" 2010's "Firefly"?

I to would not mind a review of Firefly episodes. But disable the comments.

Constitution was the TOS flagship
Enterprise was the TNG flagship