Sheldon Coopers Libido

Does A&E have one of those On Demand Channels on the Cable TV like HBO and the BBC America?
But Hell Yeah Mr. Heisenberg is back!!!


Yes I do eat my Grandmother's Clam Chowder
And then we have sex

Does this rag smell like Chloroform to you?

I too will miss Dollhouse. I am a sucker for Good People trying to push the boundries.

It was an Animated episode


I'm glad he's alive so that there is still a market for my Howard/ Artie SLASH fiction

Remember the train tracks go down the wrist not accoss.

Understanding our new Shiny Overlord
Can't we be Agnostic about this and beleive that there is a Shiny God who wants us to kill and rape and hates laughter, but we can't understand why?

The first overhead page at work tomorrow
I will run in panic from the building. Or laugh uncontrolably

I call Ms. SCL my "Punk Rock Girl". Although we did not name our child Minnie Pearl.

But who would be Ed Sullivan? Kurt Loder?

But they take money away from Hard Working American (tm) Artists!!!

I guess "Instant Club Hit"
hates clubs more than radio. But I love it.

You say that this show

Worse, it's Duchonveny, Downey and sometimes John Malkovich taking turns on poor Seth Green.

The wife's list would be Seth Green, Robert Downey Jr and David Duchonveny. She has a whole slash fiction about it.

Two points
The reviews mostly point out that the show could be better and truly rise above the ordinary.
No, BBT is not GREAT ART. it does not break new new ground but it makes people laugh. Sorry that some people enjoy what the common folk like.