Sheldon Coopers Libido

Penny explaining to Howard's new GF as to why you do not sit in Sheldon's seat. If you were not laughing, it's because someone was sitting in your seat.

You haters are right, a show about misfits, douche bags and geeks arguing about pop culture and trivia has no place here.

Troi wasn't competent? I thought she did her ill-defined job very well.

You're right. I was going to make a joke about (Comedy) Abortions being a difficult choice.

I had to come up with something to balance out the whores. Nobody wants unbalanced whores.

I guess the Whedonites are either sleeping in to watch Dollhouse tonite or still working the lunch shift at Burger King, so I'll make the Spectre of the Gun and Firefly comparion. This episode had better effects but worse whores than Firefly.

I would but it provides nourshiment for my spawn. Or were talking about my wife?

How quickly do episodes show up on hulu? My DVR or my wife thought other things were more important to record.

Now I am picturing Seth Rogen in a yellow jumpsuit. with bare feet.

I defer to the protector of Opal City

Were they drinking at the CC Factory?

When Bryan Cranston would be the perfect choice.

Leonard's Father
Sadly, I predict that if they ever show him, he will be played by John Goodman.

And that is why I hate Trick or Treating

Like? "We ripped this off Babylon 5" or "Look! Tribbles and CGI"?

"As Toby floated helplessly away, Harold hovered overhead lowering a rope"
Later that night
"Put that coffee down, coffee's for closers only"

Did anyone else?
Wear a garbage bag covered by their mom's doily and call themselves the Gorgon?

Sadly I have problems watching 30 Rock ever since my son has gotten into Thomas the very British Train Engine. Hearing Alec Baldwin narrate those stories and seeing him play Jack has started me on the road to having a split personality.

Comaprisons with HIMYM
This episode reminded me a great deal of HIMYM. You have your main character being a jerk-ass. Your breakout character trying to teach something to another and a third character jealous of the main character. Imagine Barney trying to teach Marshall how to be a cool guy at work, while Lily gets

I know after I was circumcised I didn't walk for close to a year.