
The, ah, the clips above…. I feel they have really added to my experience of the movie. Right?

My favourite thing about this season of Dexter - and S7 - is that no-one has noticed/no-one cares that Lewis is missing. Great job everyone!

Best bit: "Does that song have any significance to you?"
"No, it's just a song"

Just posting this again in case anyone at AVClub can sort it out: Hey, AV club! Your episode numbers have been screwed up for the past few
eps. I just read part of the Ep 9 recap instead of the actual one for Ep
8, so thanks for the spoilers >:(

Hey, AV club! Your episode numbers have been screwed up for the past few eps. I just read part of this article instead of the actual one for Ep 8, so thanks for the spoilers >:(
(Actually I felt just as 'meh' reading it in your recap than I'm sure I will watching the ep… I fell asleep during Ep 8 - ALL THE POINTLESS

It was great. Looked amazing. Not 100% sure it made sense in the end but worth watching nonetheless.

Is it genuinely good? It sounded tailor-made for me but I watched the first 3 or 4 and it was so awful. The lead guy just went around growling and everything else seemed ridiculous… and I say that as someone who stuck with Lost so….

Broadchurch was brilliantly acted but formulaic as hell. The ending was signposted so heavily I was cringing at Dexter-levels. The central story was spun out for too long for no reason.
But yeah, everyone watch the League of Gentlemen, AND Psychoville too…

I did like how Patty's final fantasy (…) was of Ellen thanking her for what she did to/for her (toughening her up?) - exactly what Patty's dad wanted Patty to do (or at least acknowledge) but Patty found the idea repellent.

I did like how Patty's final fantasy (…) was of Ellen thanking her for what she did to/for her (toughening her up?) - exactly what Patty's dad wanted Patty to do (or at least acknowledge) but Patty found the idea repellent.

Yeah, that's what I said at the end… we don't even know if Ellen ever found out Kate's relationship to Patty. Also what happened with Ellen's mum & dad? I kind of suspected a further twist ending: Ellen's kid was actually Michael's (somehow) so Patty had another grandkid and never even knew… (that would've been one

Yeah, that's what I said at the end… we don't even know if Ellen ever found out Kate's relationship to Patty. Also what happened with Ellen's mum & dad? I kind of suspected a further twist ending: Ellen's kid was actually Michael's (somehow) so Patty had another grandkid and never even knew… (that would've been one

EVERYONE uses Vaio laptops on this show! It's really distracting!

EVERYONE uses Vaio laptops on this show! It's really distracting!

BTW Sharon Horgan has recently had another show on TV here in the UK called 'Dead Boss'. It's quite different from Pulling but similar to Psychoville, if you've seen that. Worth a look if you can, I loved it.

BTW Sharon Horgan has recently had another show on TV here in the UK called 'Dead Boss'. It's quite different from Pulling but similar to Psychoville, if you've seen that. Worth a look if you can, I loved it.

"Karen’s claims on Karl have weakened with almost every episode"
Think you mean Donna's

"Karen’s claims on Karl have weakened with almost every episode"
Think you mean Donna's

It's actually a funny reveal in itself that Karen's a primary school teacher. iirc she runs off going 'shit I'm late for work' or some such and the sight of her as a teacher to all those cherubic kiddies is brilliant.

It's actually a funny reveal in itself that Karen's a primary school teacher. iirc she runs off going 'shit I'm late for work' or some such and the sight of her as a teacher to all those cherubic kiddies is brilliant.