
Ellen's sister is called Katie, too. Wonder if she'll be making an appearance this season?

Ellen's sister is called Katie, too. Wonder if she'll be making an appearance this season?

(deleting comment which was sposed to be a reply downthread)

(deleting comment which was sposed to be a reply downthread)

For the latter part of the season I was satisfied that there would be no sense at all in Saul being a mole, but I did think they were messing with us when he accidentally walked into the metal detector and set it off.

Someone, presumable Nazir, still has his video, right? I guess as some kind of hold over Brody. Theoretically that could get out? But the 'he knew Issa' thing is neater.

Ha, I was shouting along "Bentonnn! Jesus CHRIST!"

Deb: also your 'netwrangler' search history was full of 'serial killer Trinity's address' 'most recent bad guy bar hangout'

Seconded. For the past seasons they've at least attempted to come up with a sloppy cack-handed excuse for inconsistent behaviour on Dex's part, and they just chucked all that out the window this season. Dexter is no longer a coherent character, just a cipher who sometimes can intuit things, sometimes doesn't;

Oh God, in a series of shitty ridiculous piss-poor bits of writing, this really, REALLY took the biscuit.
I was literally waiting for Batista to shout out ' Hey Dex, we're juuuustt aboouuutt to come in…. just coming round the corner… everything OK in there?'
Plus why did Dex walk straight past the bodies and blood into

"Actually, I would find it easier to deal with the fact that a romantic
interest was secretly a killer than a romantic interest, and Debra has
essentially decided to trade one for the other."

I have to admit, that was my response at 10 years old hearing that story for the first time…

And so say we all!

I was flabbergasted that they actually used the words 'he's been dead all along!!!' as that has become our joke catchphrase for anything happening on Dexter (or any other show… I think it started with a Friends episode where Joey's auditioning for a film and someone's "been dead for thiiiirty years!")
I genuinely had

Don't forget he was super-intuitive and right-on-the-same-dark-passenger-wavelength enough to single out CHanks in the crowd as a potential killer, based solely on the smirk on his face. The way they treat Dexter as a character in this season is like a smack in the face with an imaginary shovel.

If you want a show that repeatedly and bleakly continues to drive home the point about not having any outside life if you're a spy, watch MI5/ Spooks. There are a few duff seasons but not many people get a happy ending in that show.

I just mentioned this in another comment! They're basically watching the Ice Age trailer which has ~no mammoth~. It's a clue!

Agreed. It was never 100% clear-cut, even after last week, that Brody was entirely cleared of his shady actions. We know his efficiency at lying, that he lied to the CIA quite blatantly, and it was kind of obvious he has other stuff going on.
Also he started talking about the Ice Age mammoth when they were watching the

Yeah, I was convinced that was going to be the 'twist' in Jonah's storyline. Then all the dead killer dads could hang out together in a ghost Denny's or something.

"It's pretty typical of where this show is that they would show Dexter
being spotted in clear view by a witness at Jonah's house while he
speeds away and it's not clear whether it's supposed to be a wrench in
the workings of Dexter's plan or frivolous awkward comedy."
This. Sums up what has gone wrong with the whole