
Incredibly racist, yes. Also funny as hell. This Asian is willing to give some latitude to 1970's Britain, as well as A Christmas Story.

I am shocked - SHOCKED - that the masters gimmickry known as The Slipnutz were not on this list.

So pleased that Billy & The Boingers made this list.

Movies: Creepshow, particularly "The Lonely Death of Jordy Varrill. Stephen King's incredible over-the-top acting never fails to put me in a good mood. Likewise, O Brother, Where Art Thou?

Event Horizon had me until Sam Neill uttered the fatal words, "….a dimension of PURE EVIL." That's when I said, "Fuck this movie."

Gonna nitpick a little here. I get away from the smoking thing (I wonder if they're going to do the cancer storylines at all), but he just looks too "put-together" (that stubble and hair look too deliberate). He needs to look sloppier, less "constructed." The JC of Hellblazer could get cleaned up when he wanted,

I personally thought Warren Ellis' run got at the heart of the character and series and was a good read.

I haven't watched True Blood's last three seasons, but that picture of Tara a vampire is so boner-tastic that I'll just have to jump right back in.

American Mary was fucking awesome, so I'm excited to see this based purely on the Soskas' involvement alone.

Does Zed get "biz-zay," consistently and thoroughly?

What Keyser Soze said. 100% agree.

Alan Tudyk is fuckin' awesome. Too bad no one thought to bring up his stint on Justified as Elias Marcos. I loved seeing him as a stone-cold badass.

I got into Rammstein in the mid-2000's after a trip to Vienna. European MTV was rotating Benzin and Rosenrot at the time. I'd forgotten that Rammstein could be really melodic when they wanted.

Fucking domes, how do they work?

The gateway "anything" for a prog nerd into Tool is Danny Carey. Just start paying attention to the drum work, particularly in Aenima and later albums. I will frequently listen to Tom Sawyner and Stinkfist back-to-back because I love the little intricacies Pert and Carey bring to those songs.

I love pulling out "Singin' In The Rain" for my classical martial arts buddies. Because they always start saying, "What the fuck are we watching this for?" but always end up with mouths agape at the sheer physical ability and CONTROL that Kelly and O'Conner bring to the table. It's on-par with the greatest kung-fu

It's not an integral part of his character, so I'm not surprised it didn't make this writeup - but Bill McNeal's love for the vending machine sandwiches at WNYX reveals just a glimpse of the childhood that might have warped a young boy into the Bill we all knew and loved.

There have been a lot of comparisons of Lorne Malvo to The Devil, and I both echo and want to take it further.

I'm with you on Sea of Cowards > Horehound, though not by much. And I think I'm probably the only one here who either hates or is only "meh" on JW's non-Dead Weather output. Love DW, though - they fuckin' rule.