
Holy crap, I totally missed Stephen Root sitting with Malvo. I now want Fargo to cross over with Newsradio - Jimmy James relocated to Minnesota after his small-town radio station failed, and lurking somewhere in the shadows are Max and Dave.

I'd "LOL. Pussy" you, but if you were young enough, I can see that as a legit point. I was 12 when the movie came out and I thought (and still think) that Prime's death was both necessary to the story and made him even more badass. "Holy shit, Optimus is fuckin' MORTAL? And he still did that fucking charge? Fuck

You chose the wrong "You Got The Touch" moment. The one that is 100% guaranteed to give you chills and also get you out of your seat cheering is when Optimus Prime shows up, transforms, and proceeds to shoot the everloving shit out of Decepticons while doing a flip that James Woo masturbates to every night.

Joining in on the Martin Freeman love for this ep. And the visual storytelling of Malvo taking out Fargo was simply magnificent. So much to learn from that 2-minute sequence.

There's an old Eddie Murphy standup bit about Johnny Carson's divorce, and how about his ex-wife was entitled to half his assets, and how that would $150 million. And he concludes that no pussy is worth $150 million (as much as he would like to meet such a pussy).

I loved the use of the blizzard. I spend a good chunk of this episode wondering how that was so convincingly shot. Took me back to the winter of '93-'94, my first real Yankee winter, and memories of stumbling around Boston's Back Bay in the big midnight blizzards.

Claudia is the KGB equivalent of George Smiley, who, even in "retirement," was always a consummate master of tradecraft and understood psychology and manipulation better than anyone else. Margo Martindale is great in this role (as she is in everything else she's in).

"Disrepected gem" is right. Is this Ang Lee's masterpiece? No…but it's a very, very good movie about family dynamics (Ang Lee's stock in trade) that happens to use comic-book characters and narrative.

I was hooked on Review after watching the pre-releases for "Addiction" and "15 Pancakes." It's the funniest and most absurd 30 minutes of television so far this year.

The Soggy Bottom Boys need their own Marvel Universe CGI explosionfest extravaganza.

Malvo is the most fun straight-up villian I've come across in a while.

Personally, my favorite Lector movie is Hannibal, for sheer entertainment value. However, all of them - with the exception of Hannibal Rising - are all worthy of my rare and valued entertainment time. And the TV is show is pretty rad, too.

I'm just gonna include "Please show me Judy Greer in the Cherlene outfit" in my nightly prayers from now on.

I actually like the way his website is set up. Granted, everything is hosted on Youtube, but the website setup grants you access to most things I'm interested in.

Here's to hoping that Colbert can successfully straddle the Gen-X and Millenial audiences. I think in order for any Letterman replacement to be successful, CBS has to up their online game. Conan and Fallon have repeatedly demonstrated the value of Youtube/viral video presence.

FUCKING CALLED WENDY CROWE TAKING OUT DARRYL. And GODDAMN but I am so in love with Alicia Witt right now - partially for the amazing acting in the scene playing on what Darryl has always wanted to hear, and partially because SHE BLOWS HIS FUCKING BALLS OFF. So cathartic to see Wendy finally growing a real spine

Excellent point. I'd almost forgotten how annoying I found not-Daniel. Daniel Larusso, even as an angsty teen, was annoying but tolerable. Not-Daniel is just bratty.

Ugh. As much as I loved Jackie Chan taking on a more dramatic role than usual, the KK "remake" was terrible. At the heart of the original is the notion of mastering the mundane is the key to being extraordinary - whether in martial arts or life in general. The remake toyed with this but then just took a turn for

Will we get more full frontal from Jason Segel? Because that there, my friend, is comedy GOLD.

The team that creates Justified can never do it quickly enough fo rme. I am a grownup who regularly defers pleasure for other things and would have passed a 3-hour Oreo test easily at the age of 4 - but something about Justified makes the petulant child in me demand MORE RIGHT NOW I WANT IT AAAAGGGGHHH.