Smooth Up Enya

The fandom is going absolutely batshit trying to come up with SOMETHING to talk about in lieu of having a new book. There was a Reddit thread the other day to the extent of "What' Aurane Waters's endgame????," as if anyone, GRRM included, gives a flying fuck about Aurane Waters.

"Dam-fair" is the way that Roy Dotrice pronounces it on the audiobook, so that's good enough for me.


Don't get too excited yet — according to the linked article, the victim would be filing suit under an Arkansas statute that doesn't start the statute of limitations running until the victim "experiences the effects" of the abuse.

So they look like Ghostbusters suits, then?

Harry Potter vs. Lord of the Rings, coming Summer 2019.

This movie looks and sounds deeply unpleasant.

What about Cassingles? Whatd'ya could I get for a good condition copy of LA Guns "The Ballad of Jayne"?

Yes. On some level.

Rights to privacy and rights to publicity for the deceased are a complete mess in the United States. Elvis's estate can control whether you use his picture in order to protect his "privacy," even though he's dead and could give a shit.

This is not a contract where Swift is hiring someone to photograph her concert.

The promotion use is problematic. I think that Swift's people would justify it as the quid-pro-quo of letting a journalist in to photograph in the first place when they could just as easily say "No" (and, probably should).

Reading the contract, it appears to be an agreement that Swift's people would give to a local news photographer who wanted cover the concert as a news event. It says exactly when pictures can be taken and what they can be taken of. It also says where the pictures can be published (presumably, in the "Publication"

I feel like I know fewer things now.

None of them have anything on Bronn, the Forrest Gump of Westrosi social mobility.

Beric (still swanning around the Riverlands, I guess)

I think the Watch has been pretty clear that it would be happy to see the back of Jon Snow.

They could have said that they found an adorable puppy that they wanted to give him.

It's an interesting idea, although not one that I feel like I need to see as a movie as opposed to the essay that already exists.

The investors for the film certainly would.