
I've been examined ever since I was semen
They took a sonogram and saw the image of a demon

Had the same experience — I actually cheered when I saw that guy pop up again for the vault. Viva Chilean hipster dude!

Had the same experience — I actually cheered when I saw that guy pop up again for the vault. Viva Chilean hipster dude!

Not sure if I'd pick that one to replace it (though I loved it), but I really feel like The Searchers' days are numbered as a landmark film. It's hugely important historically and has some indelible images, but as a film, it really isn't aging all that well.

Not sure if I'd pick that one to replace it (though I loved it), but I really feel like The Searchers' days are numbered as a landmark film. It's hugely important historically and has some indelible images, but as a film, it really isn't aging all that well.

I was so happy when I first brought home "Death Magnetic." My roommate and I just sat around the living room smiling and nodding to each other, like "holy shit, Metallica is good again! This changes everything!" It was a great day.

I was so happy when I first brought home "Death Magnetic." My roommate and I just sat around the living room smiling and nodding to each other, like "holy shit, Metallica is good again! This changes everything!" It was a great day.

Yeah, "Please Hammer" certainly historically important. As I recall, "The Big Payback" dedicates at least a dozen pages to it. But no reasonable person I've seen has tried to defend it artistically as anything other than a mindless piece of fluff that happened to sell a shit-ton of records.

Yeah, "Please Hammer" certainly historically important. As I recall, "The Big Payback" dedicates at least a dozen pages to it. But no reasonable person I've seen has tried to defend it artistically as anything other than a mindless piece of fluff that happened to sell a shit-ton of records.

I honestly can't think of two more universally disparaged rappers in the history of the genre than Hammer and Vanilla Ice. I'm asking seriously — who are you talking about here? At most, I've heard people compliment Hammer's immense work ethic — unlike Ice, he built up his fanbase through grass-roots touring. But

I honestly can't think of two more universally disparaged rappers in the history of the genre than Hammer and Vanilla Ice. I'm asking seriously — who are you talking about here? At most, I've heard people compliment Hammer's immense work ethic — unlike Ice, he built up his fanbase through grass-roots touring. But

Good point, and there are far more egregious examples of Rabin's ICP-fetish, but this piece doesn't really use it for much reflection or tie it into the original thesis. Since the whole thing is titled "the splintering of the hip-hop nation," this 20-years-later snapshot should offer some sort of perspective of how

Good point, and there are far more egregious examples of Rabin's ICP-fetish, but this piece doesn't really use it for much reflection or tie it into the original thesis. Since the whole thing is titled "the splintering of the hip-hop nation," this 20-years-later snapshot should offer some sort of perspective of how

Dear Nathan Rabin — I have been a loyal reader of yours for years, and still eagerly anticipate new pieces from you. I loved your memoir, and always respect your insight ever when I disagree with you. It is therefore with all sincere respect that I mention the following:

Dear Nathan Rabin — I have been a loyal reader of yours for years, and still eagerly anticipate new pieces from you. I loved your memoir, and always respect your insight ever when I disagree with you. It is therefore with all sincere respect that I mention the following:

I was going to point this out, but wasn't entirely sure it had actually happened — probably been 15 years since I saw it. In any case, it is 100% believable that Kelly Bundy was a huge Anthrax fan.

I was going to point this out, but wasn't entirely sure it had actually happened — probably been 15 years since I saw it. In any case, it is 100% believable that Kelly Bundy was a huge Anthrax fan.

This is actually a much easier judgment call than most of these stand-up controversies. The joke is profoundly lame — really? that's the punchline? — and it's delivered with a laborious, confused buildup that you'd expect from a first-time amateur. So it's an unfunny joke poorly told. Add on the "still raw tragedy"

This is actually a much easier judgment call than most of these stand-up controversies. The joke is profoundly lame — really? that's the punchline? — and it's delivered with a laborious, confused buildup that you'd expect from a first-time amateur. So it's an unfunny joke poorly told. Add on the "still raw tragedy"

Exactly, which is kind of why I like it. It makes no fucking sense, and confuses the hell out of the tourists who wander too far south from Santa Monica.