
Exactly, which is kind of why I like it. It makes no fucking sense, and confuses the hell out of the tourists who wander too far south from Santa Monica. 

It ain't perfect, but this record is almost a blueprint for exactly how to make a middle-aged rap album. Never too cranky, never desperate in its trend-hopping, never just retreading over past successes for the hell of it. Acknowledges grown-man problems, but remembers that rap is supposed to be fun too. This is

It ain't perfect, but this record is almost a blueprint for exactly how to make a middle-aged rap album. Never too cranky, never desperate in its trend-hopping, never just retreading over past successes for the hell of it. Acknowledges grown-man problems, but remembers that rap is supposed to be fun too. This is



I've lived with this record for a week now. It's good. It has a handful of very good tracks, and the duds are easily ignored. It makes me eager to hear his next one. I'm thankful that there are people making R&B of this quality in 2012. But anyone who compares this to Marvin Gaye or Stevie Wonder is out of their

I've lived with this record for a week now. It's good. It has a handful of very good tracks, and the duds are easily ignored. It makes me eager to hear his next one. I'm thankful that there are people making R&B of this quality in 2012. But anyone who compares this to Marvin Gaye or Stevie Wonder is out of their

"Boiler Room" is to idiot stockbrokers what "Scarface" is to aspiring inner city drug dealers and "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" is to neo-Nazis. I often wonder if they just turn the movie off 2/3 through, to avoid all thought of the messy and inevitable downfall.

Name me the last time a record label gave a nearly unknown rapper a million-dollar contract. Or even a 500k contract. Or a 250k contract.

No joke here — RCA signed this guy to a million dollar contract last year, based on a single mixtape. This was right around the time RCA shut down all their subsidiary labels — Jive, J, Arista — and cut a bunch of people from their roster (mostly American Idol refugees, but still, it was a bloodbath). And then they

That is by far the most admirable example of condescending paternalism I've run across in a while. Aaron Sorkin, take note.

That is by far the most admirable example of condescending paternalism I've run across in a while. Aaron Sorkin, take note.

Rape jokes for all!!!

Rape jokes for all!!!

Have you read the site? You probably should, that way your annoyance with it will cease to be at all inexplicable.

Have you read the site? You probably should, that way your annoyance with it will cease to be at all inexplicable.

Exactly. So much of the coming-out stuff is like filling out a census form — "are you gay, or straight? Please check one, or see sub-form 1076 for other options." Here, Ocean is just saying that he had an intense romantic experience with a man, and he's gonna write songs about it. It doesn't mean he's gay, it doesn't

Exactly. So much of the coming-out stuff is like filling out a census form — "are you gay, or straight? Please check one, or see sub-form 1076 for other options." Here, Ocean is just saying that he had an intense romantic experience with a man, and he's gonna write songs about it. It doesn't mean he's gay, it doesn't

ON the regular, son. It's pronounced, "ON the regular."

ON the regular, son. It's pronounced, "ON the regular."