Seth Rogan said on CBB that they specifically didn't include Franco's brother because then James would be sad the whole movie that his brother died, which I think fits in with the notion that they didn't want to make a wholly depressing film.
Seth Rogan said on CBB that they specifically didn't include Franco's brother because then James would be sad the whole movie that his brother died, which I think fits in with the notion that they didn't want to make a wholly depressing film.
I'm never a big fan of when "this reviewer" is used.
I feel like I was the only one who laughed at Jay Baruchel pointing at the swing swinging by itself and saying "That's so sad. Loss of innocence, you know?"
ha ha ha ha ha ha! Yeah, I bet that's it. Fuck these guys!
Well, the AV Club is kind of going down the shitter anyway.
For a person who hates their movies so much, you sure are spending a lot of time in the comments section.
Yeah, and also that the direction was awful, the effects suck, there is only one semi-good character, etc (asinine slapstick? I didn't really notice any of that). And then he kind of shoe-horns in this "oh, but its pretty funny and it feels like a fitting conclusion to the Apatow movies." What?
I heard this about the movie, and actually thought they were gonna say dick a whole lot more. You're soft, Billy Tubbs.
I haven't agreed with him on a review yet. I miss the old staff.
Yeah, I don't understand that at all. I was pretty impressed by the effects (okay, not the part at the beginning, but everything after that looked great).
After seeing it, I think Craig Robinson is really underselling it by saying that. It doesn't come across like that at all.
My consensus after seeing the first movie was they did exactly the right thing. 3 movies and more time in Middle Earth is what I want. It sounds like you're arguing from a theoretical perspective and you're not going to watch these movies anyway. Why do you care?
I realized that halfway through my comment and tried to retract my rage a bit.
Watch any of the video blogs about making the movies. He really loves this stuff. Fuck you for being so cynical.
Shhhh! It's a seeeecreeet!
Your eyebrows are aging…. poorly.
Yeah, I get a little sick of people coming in and hating on too many epic battle scenes, too much backstory and lore, too long, too much weird makeup. Why are you watching these if you don't want to see any of that?
In my opinion, the battles have never gotten cooler than the Amon Hen forest battle at the end of Fellowship. They got a little too large scale, gritty CGI creatures clashing into each other after that.
Whoa what the fuck, you thought that cave troll scene looked bad? Like the one in the sweet Moria battle? Or are we talking about the first Hobbit movie, not the first LOTR movie? I think I'll just slowly back out of these comments…
Yeah, I'm coming into this one with a completely reversed opinion from the last one. That was I was all skeptical and annoyed they were making three 3 hour movies. Now I'm all "Make 6, make 8!" I hope I don't overhype myself.