
I think they've legitimately gotten a book to run Doom by now.

The Wright's End

Speaking of DVD extras, the Fuzzball Rally documentary of them doing the USA press tour is amazing. Shot by Joe Cornish!

Well God forbid you're taken surprise by anything at any point in your life.

I love Beck and the fact that he is releasing a single that will be on neither of his two upcoming albums is just perfect.

Can we get a spoiler space for this? I'd love to read every single punchline listed one after another with absolutely no context.

I hate when movie titles also are sentences. What is with this trend recently?

You find it unbelievable that a scientist who presumably isn't trained in using guns slipped and killed himself accidentally? I thought that was one of the coolest, most unexpected parts of the movie. They spend this whole time setting him up as the only guy who can save the human race and then he kills himself in the

Look what I found. Two-by-fours!

You're expecting quite a damn lot from your zombie action/thrillers, whovian.

@avclub-79557cb93066f4470b8cee6e9110f757:disqus  Yeah, the pilots were also in the front section of the plane that tore of and flipped end over end. The woman next to Pitt lived. Do you find it unbelievable that she survived getting her arm chopped off?

I liked The Last of Us, the Telltale TWD game, and liked this movie! WHERE IS YOUR GOD NOW!!!

I'm still here, hating Dowd, if that's any consolation. I don't agree with this review either.

What punishment? He gets a steel beam through his stomach, takes 3 days to recover, and still limps around after that. That's hardly superhero-esque. If that is too much for you to accept, I suggest you stick to art films.

I really enjoyed it, too. I'm kind of surprised at the rampant hatred and need to hate from the review and all the frothing comments here. I thought it was a lot of fun - a movie where characters make smart decisions, get things done, and move from one thrilling setpiece to the next.

I went to the live show for How Did This Get Made's Howard The Duck episode. I don't listen to the podcast regularly any more, but that show was hilarious. I wish the episode came out this week so people could hear it. There are at least two specific moments where I laughed harder than I have in a long time. I really


Yeah, I loved that he almost got angry that they wouldn't take his suggestion for the direction the scene should go in and then forcefully took the situation into his own hands. Really hilarious.

I disagree. I think it's one of the best prequels ever made (perhaps faint praise). It justifies itself in a really cool way.

I totally agree with you, but maybe its because I was bummed out by the tonal shift and I didn't want to be.