
Fourvel's tiny little voice saying that just kills me.

You wouldn't believe the shit I take from this guy. You would think that I'd learned to read things more carefully by now.

Oh dog, I'm so sorry. I completely missed that raccoon's feet part. I spent like 5 minutes trying to figure out that I wanted to use the word 'paragon' there, too.

Get a credit union, man! All the cool people have one.

Wait, is this racist?

Leave it to Dikachu to make a wiener joke.

TCP/IP MAN is dialing! Everyone, to the bunkers!

Screw you and your happy marriage, @avclub-16db446cafb1ffb1466e71eaf97a4f49:disqus .

Yeah, because hot dogs are such a paragon of taste and god forbid we mask it in any way.

- That kid from Malcom in the Middle

Damn. The trailer for this looked weirdly subversive. Kind of Paul Verhoeven-esque. Guess that thought is down the shitter.

The Rock looks Photoshopped into that background and that Nike shirt looks Photoshopped onto him.

Yeah, I've got a pretty advanced degree in seeing things that happen and then pointing them out to others.

With straight forward honesty like this, you should be film editor!

Even more obvious because the writer, who does a lot of podcasts and stuff, is pretty darn atheist. I thought it was cool that he wrote a movie that emphasized what you're mentioning, and just happened to include the Bible as The Thing.

Doesn't he have some sort of rig in the movie that charges it for him? I remember that happening.

I believe it's Nicholas Cage.

I would suggest listening to one of their EPs. The Smoking Ghost EP (One Of The Gang) sounds really nice.

I think there was a moment near the beginning of Sanz's character where it floundered a bit, but Scott and Carmichael helped him find the way and in the end I really enjoyed it.

Their songs aren't really jokes, more like the guy above said - just strange and a bit unusual. Like the song about the guy coaching youth basketball, or the song written from the perspective of a young bored wife, or the one about a bird and fox having a kid. I think musically they're pretty solid too, something that